I Sketched My Mate? WTF? Chapter 23

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Amy’s P.O.V.

After we finished the movie, Matt turned to look at me.

“What time is it?” I ask looking up at him.

“Nine thirty.” He says looking at his phone.

I nod my head.

“Did you want me to take you home now?” He asks.

“Yeah.” I reply.

I got off of his lap and then I get my shoes on.

“You didn’t bring the jacket I gave you, did you?” He asks.

I shake my head no. Matt gets off the bed and he heads to his closet and he pulls something out.

“Here you go.” He says handing me a jacket.

I laugh at what I saw on it, it was a batman hoodie.

“Really?” I ask.

“What’s wrong with it?” He asks.

I shake my head. “Nothing, it’s just you handed me a batman hoodie when I said I’m a joker fan.” I say.

Matt playfully rolls his eyes. “Just wear it, it’s not like I’m letting you keep it.” He says.

I put the hoodie on and then after Matt got his shoes on, we went downstairs and then outside to his car. We got in and he drove off.

We arrived at my house.

“I’ll see you tomorrow beautiful.” He says.

I smile. “I’ll see you.” I say.

I get out then, still wearing Matt’s hoodie. I began walking to the door when I hear a door slam shut. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and then I was turned around to face Matt.

“What? Did you forget something?” I ask.

“Yeah, two things.” He says.

“First my hoodie.” He then says.

I take the hoodie off and hand it to him.

“What was the second thing?” I ask.

“This…” He says.

I was confused, what was he talking about?

Matt pulled me gently towards him and he wraps his arms around me and kisses me.

“Almost forgot about my goodnight kiss.” He says.

He pulls away slowly and then he kisses my nose before he leaves.

“I’ll see you tomorrow love.” Matt calls out.

I head inside and up to my room and then after I locked my door, I got my pajamas on. I went to bed afterwards.

I woke up the next day and then I went into my bathroom, showered and got changed. I hear my phone go off so I head over to it and saw it was a text from Matt.

‘Forgot to tell you what time I’m coming to pick you up. I’ll be coming at five.’

I texted him back saying that I couldn’t wait to see him and then I went downstairs to get some cereal.

Soon it was thirty minutes before Matt was going to be coming so I went back up to my room and I took my clothes off and I decided to take a quick shower. After the shower I quickly got the black strapless dress on, combed my hair and then I grabbed a pair of heels on.

I grabbed the jacket Matt gave to me and then I went downstairs to hear somebody knock on the door. I opened the door to see Matt wearing a tux. His mouth dropped open.

“You look absolutely stunning.” He says.

“Thank you. You look handsome.” I say.

We left the house then and ten minutes later we arrived at the restaurant. We ate and I had a great time, with Matt. I was glad that I had decided to give him a chance.

Soon we were leaving the restaurant. Matt helped me into the car and then he got in too.

It was really late and then Matt drove off but he wasn’t driving to my home, he was going the opposite way.

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