I Sketched My Mate? WTF? Chapter 21

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Amy’s P.O.V.

Matt drove me home and he walked me up to the front door.

“Thank you for today.” I say.

“You’re welcome. Can I call you tomorrow?” Matt asks.

I nod my head. “Of course you can.” I say.

Matt kisses my lips. “Maybe I could come here tomorrow and hang out with you?” He asks.

I shrug my shoulders. “I’d have to talk to my dad first.” I tell him.

The front door opens.

I turn my head to the right to see dad.

“Hey dad.” I say.

“I heard what Matt said.” Dad says.

“May I sir?” Matt asks.

“Only if Amy wants you to.” Dad says.

I look at Matt then back at dad. “I want him to come tomorrow.” I say.

Dad nods his head. “He can come but on one condition…you let me talk to him privately.” Dad says.

I nod my head slightly. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” I say to Matt.

I quickly hug Matt then I went inside. I was heading to the couch because I was hoping to listen to the conversation.

“Amy upstairs please.” Dad says.

I pout. “Fine.” I say.

I head upstairs towards my room, I shut my door locking it and then I get my pajamas on.

I hear somebody knock on the door so I head to the door and open it.

“Hi dad.” I say.

“Hey.” He replies.

“How did the talk go?” I ask.

“It went good I think.” Dad says.

“You didn’t scare him did you?” I ask.

Dad chuckles. “I didn’t scare your boyfriend.” He tells me.

“Goodnight Amy.” Dad then tells me.

“Goodnight dad.” I say before hugging him.

He hugs back and then he shuts the door and then I get in bed. I hear my phone vibrate indicating that I had a message so I grabbed it and saw that it was Matt.

I clicked on the message and it read, ‘Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Goodnight love.’

I then began typing up a message back, ‘Hopefully you can tell me what the private talk was. And did you seriously type up love?’

I decided to go to bed instead of waiting for Matt to text back.

I woke up the next day to hearing somebody whispering my name. I saw that it was Matt.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Wanted to surprise you.” He says.

I lift my hand up to his face. “Well, it worked.” I say.

I sit up slowly.

“Nice hair.” He says.

I chuckle. “Thanks.” I say sarcastically.

Matt sits beside me. “Hey, you still look beautiful.” He says.

I smile and then I get off the bed and head to the closet.

“That’s what you wore to bed?” I hear Matt say.

I look down at what I was wearing…it was an old batman shirt and a pair of shorts.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I ask.

“Nothing wrong, I just never figured you as a batman fan.” He says.

“Actually I’m more of a joker fan.” I tell him.

I grab a shirt and then I open my dresser, grab my undergarments and a pair of jeans and then I head to the bathroom.

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