I Sketched My Mate? WTF? Chapter 10

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Amy’s P.O.V.

“I know I am.” I tell him.

“Which is why you’re not allowed to go into the forest to sketch for a week.” Max tells me.

“But why?” I ask.

“Because we will tell dad what you did, if you don’t accept your punishment.” Alex tells me.

I pout. “Fine, I accept it but you better not tell dad.” I tell them.

“Deal.” Max and Alex both say.

“You better take your stuff up to your room.” Max says.

I head up the stairs and when I got to my room, I placed the bag on the bed, took my shoes and jacket off and then I went downstairs.

I sat on the couch in between Max and Alex.

“Alright, dad should be coming home soon, so let’s get the television turned on.” Max tells us.

Max turns the television on and we watched a movie that they were playing. I hear a door being shut and then two minutes later, the front door opens.

“Hey you three.” I heard dad say.

“Hi dad.” All three of us say.

“I’m going to make supper and then go to bed.” Dad tells us.

Dad went to the kitchen so I got and followed him.

“When do we go to school?” I ask dad.

“I’m going to the school tomorrow and get you three registered, so that means…” Dad says.

“That were coming with you?” I ask.

“Yep. Then after we get you three registered, then we’ll go shopping for school shit.” Dad tells me.

Dad finishes cooking supper.

“And of course, we’ll go clothes shopping tomorrow as well.” Dad tells me.

I went to my brothers.

“Supper’s ready.” I told them.

They got up and all three of us made our way to the dining room. We sat at the table and then dad brought out our plates and he sat down too.

“All three of you will need to get up early tomorrow for registration at the school.” Dad tells us.

Max and Alex both groan.

“Do we have to?” Max asks.

“Yes, now stop complaining about it and eat.” Dad says.

We ate in silence and then we cleared the table and washed the dishes.

“I’m going to bed now so please be quiet.” Dad tells us.

Dad went upstairs then and I decided to go up too because I never did check to see if my things were still in the bag.

“I’m going up to my room.” I announce to my brothers.

I head upstairs as well and make my way towards my bedroom. I locked the door and walk towards my bag. I opened it up and pulled out my sketch book and kit. I look into the bag and see a note.

I pulled the note out and it read, ‘If you ever need somebody to talk too, call me.’

Then he left his number at the bottom. I doubted I would ever call him but I decided to put his number on my phone in case.

I got his number programmed into my phone and then I flipped open my sketch book.

I found the picture that I was looking for. The picture that I did of the wolf was amazing; I just knew that I had to hang it up on the wall. I tore the paper out gently and placed it on my dresser.

I grabbed my pajamas and put them on. I pulled a blanket out and just as I was about to get into bed, I hear a knock on my door.

I went to my door and opened it.

“Can I get a hug?” Max asks.

I nod my head and we hug. After the hug Max shuts my door and leaves so I get into bed and fall asleep. 

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