I Sketched My Mate? WTF? Chapter 12

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Amy’s P.O.V.

I woke up the next day to dad waking me up.

“Time to get up for school.” Dad tells me.

I slowly sat up. Dad heads to the door.

“Don’t fall back asleep.” Dad says.

He then shuts the door so I get out of bed, lock the door and I got my outfit picked out. I took a quick shower and then I got dressed and combed my hair.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs with my shoes in hand.

All of us sat down for breakfast and we ate.

“Dad?” I hear Max say.

“Yeah?” Dad asks.

“Can I possibly get a car now?” Max asks.

“I don’t know, maybe you should find out from Amy and Alex how they feel about it.” Dad says.

“I don’t care.” I tell dad.

“Neither do I.” Alex says.

We all finished eating breakfast.

“After school I’ll get you a car.” Dad says.

Max cheers loudly.

“Alright enough, let’s get the dishes washed and get you three to school.” Dad says.

We got up from the table and went into the kitchen, got the dishes washed and then we went into the living room and grabbed our stuff.

We got into the car and drove off heading to school. We arrived at the school.

“Alright, so head to the office and get your schedules and I’ll see you three after school.” Dad tells us.

We got out of the car and we made our way inside. We get our schedules and Max grabbed mine to compare but we had nothing the same, not even Alex.

We went to our classes and I saw Matt walking into a class two door away. I went in before he saw me.

I sat in the back and just as I had sat down, I see two people standing in front of the desk.

“Can I help you?” I say looking up.

“Just wanted to say hi and get to know you.” One of the guys says.

“Hi, I’m Amy.” I tell them.

“I’m Andy and this is Miles.” The guy who’s name is Andy says.

They sit in the seats beside me.

“Can I see your schedule?” Andy asks.

I hand it to him.

“We have five classes together.” Andy tells me.

I nod my head. “Which ones?” I ask.

“Math, History, English, Lunch, and Study Hall.” Andy tells me.

This is English now so we have four more classes together.

“So Amy, want to be friends with me and Andy?” Miles asks me.

I chuckle. “You two seem friendly so I guess I’ll be your friend.” I tell them.

They laugh at what I said.

The teacher comes in so we stay quiet…well actually, Miles and Andy were whispering to each other.

The bell went off so I got up and went to my next class which was Math. I felt a hand on my shoulder so I turn my head slightly to see Andy.

“I thought I told you that we had the same class.” He tells me.

“I forgot.” I tell him.

I follow Andy to our next class and I see Matt walk in. I actually felt happy to see him for some reason. I sat in the back beside Andy and Matt also sat in the back but he was nowhere near me.

I tried talking to Andy but it was like he was in deep thought so I didn’t bother talking to him anymore.

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