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"Papa when are you going home?"

"I'll be home soon! Papa is working his best so he could spend his time with his favorite son on his birthday"

"you mean? we will celebrate my birthday together?"

"Yeah and what do you want? A party or a trip???"

"Anything Papa as long as you're with me and Mama"

"Please take good care of Mama for me okay?"

"Ofcourse Papa"

"Love you son"

"Love you more Papa"

"Okay I'm gonna end the call..Papa will back to work now"

"Okay Papa"

Mr. Warin Boonprasert a highest rank official of PNP (Philippine National Police) is well dedicated to his goal to cut all the activity of drugs and gambling operation. One of his main target is the notorious and the BIG SHOT of all syndicate Mr. Juan Argus Aydin.

"Mama why Papa end up to be a Police officer?"

"Hmmnn why so curious little man? 

"I wanted to know Mama. please!"

"Uhhh okay!

"Tell me mom"

"your Papa was victim by bullied kids before and often times he saw people taking advantages other's weakness. so then he promised to himself to protect the weak and the one who can't fight against with bullied people"

"Papa is indeed a hero Mama..I wanted to be like him"

"Ohhh no Style...your Dad is enough already. Don't think of becoming like him"

"Ohhh why Mama? why I can't be like Papa"

"Because his work is too dangerous and I can't sleep thinking everytime your Papa doing his job"


"Ohhh boy go to bed now and stop thinking of becoming a Police too. I'm sleepy already..let's sleep na"

"Okay..goodnight Mom"

"goodnight son"

~Mayfield Montessori Academy~

"Mom my class ended early today because our Teacher got an emergency"

"Okay Style son. don't go anywhere and wait till mama will come"

"Sure mom..I'll wait you at the guard house"

"Okay good..babye"

"Safe driving mom"

"Thank son"

Style was walking straight to the guard house when he overheard some commotion at the back of faculty building. He tried to ignored it but

"Please don't hurt me. why you have to do this"

"Give us your money or you will get this one"

A high schooler boy is showing his fist to a kid younger than him.

[what are they doing to him?~Style]

"I don't have money"

"Ohh liar!"

He throw a single punch to his face as the kid refuse to give him a single penny

ONE SHOT LOVE.                       FadelxStyle ~ JDWhere stories live. Discover now