making the bed

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 I wake up to the harsh reality of morning light piercing through my curtains, an unwelcome reminder of last night's escapades. My head is throbbing, each pulse like a hammer against my skull, and I'm enveloped in a heavy fog of regret. The taste of stale alcohol lingers on my tongue, bitter and mocking. As I attempt to sit up, the room sways slightly, holding me hostage in my own bed. My stomach churns ominously, and I'm forced to close my eyes again, praying for relief or at least the strength to reach for the water bottle I vaguely remember leaving on the nightstand. This hangover is a brutal testament to last night's excesses, and as I lie here, I can't help but promise myself—once again—that I'll never drink like that ever again. I knew that I shouldn't have used alcohol as an escape, but I realised that now. 

Summoning every ounce of willpower, I manage to peel myself off the bed, my movements slow and cautious, as if the mere act of standing could bring the room crashing down around me. The cool floor under my feet feels oddly comforting, a solid reality against the unsteady whirl of my senses. I shuffle towards the door, using the wall as a guide and steadying force.

As I entered the common room, the soft morning light hit my face. I make my way to the sofa and collapse onto it, the familiar cushions offering a small solace. The quiet hum of the morning routine outside does little to soothe the pounding in my head, but being out of the isolation of my room feels like a small step in the right direction. Here, I can at least attempt to piece together the evening's events and start the slow process of recovering my usual self.

"Morning sunshine" I heard Azzi say from the kitchen, I didn't see that she was there when I entered. Azzi is the only one who didn't go out last night which showed on her face since she was glowing, as usual. 

"Rough night?" she asked as she looked at me, I looked like shit. I was wearing a long hoodie and pyjama shorts that Paige must've put me in last night. My hair was a mess and my eyes were all puffy. 

"More than you know" I groaned.

the girl walked over to me and passed me a glass of water and a pill.


I sat up on the couch and grabbed the things from Azzi, the thought of drinking liquid right now killed me but I knew it would make me feel better so I swallowed the pill.

"I have some bread in the toaster for you," She said as she went and stood back in the kitchen.

"You're a legend Az" I smiled. Azzi always thought about others, she is so sweet. 

As I'm slumped on the sofa, attempting to gather my wits, the doors to the common room swing open, and she walks in—the tall blonde girl who seems to capture everyone's attention effortlessly. Her presence instantly changes the air around me; she's like a breath of fresh air, her bright smile contradicting the gloom of my current state. Her hair cascades in golden waves, and she moves with a grace that's almost ethereal, especially against my own leaden, hangover-clouded existence. She catches my gaze for a fleeting moment, her eyes sparkling with a vibrant energy that I desperately wish I could mirror. 

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