lights up

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Last night was weird, to say the least. Not because of our fight well a little bit because of our fight, but because of the glimpse I got into the inner workings of my best friend's mind—a place where dreams and reality intertwine in unexpected and sometimes unsettling ways. I never realised she had dreams like that, to be honest, that was probably the least of our problems. 

Practically the whole team was mad at us and we had to find a way to make it right with them after we completely butchered the game, which was entirely my fault I let my jealousy and feelings for Camille get in the way of what was right in the moment.  

I watched as the brown wavy-haired girl arose from her pillow, her eyes sleepy and her hair messy. I was already up and making coffee, we had to catch a flight early morning with the team so obviously I took the role of waking up to pack everything up because I knew Camille wouldn't. 

"Morning Mils" I said softly. 

"morning P" she replied, she sounded tired. In multiple ways.

"'I'm good" I couldn't help but question the girl further, I mean she did have a pretty awful nightmare.

"Listen Mils, how often do you get those nightmares?" I asked, she sighed before giving me a response back.

"Oh just honestly forget about it like it's not a big deal" she said trying to be nonchalant but I raised an eyebrow at her, causing her to tell me the truth. 

"Well not often, I have had that dream twice now and it always follows a different perspective of how my... you know mom left because my dad never really told us. So I guess my mind just fills in the gaps of what could have happened? I don't know it's weird, but honestly P trust me when I say it doesn't affect me, Its pathetic really" Her words sounded genuine so I believed her, she rubbed her eyes and gently stepped out of bed putting on a jumper due to the cold morning weather. 

"alright" A moment of silence grew between us.

"Okay well everything's packed up so if you wanna get changed we can head off and meet the others" I said to her as she grabbed some clothes to change into and headed into the bathrooms.

However just as she was about to enter she turned to me.

"How the fuck do we make it up to the team?" 

I honestly didn't have an answer to that, We fucke- I fucked up so bad. 

"I don't know" I replied, I wasn't sure about many things. The biggest thing is why I let my emotions cloud my judgement from focusing on what's important, winning. 


We had arrived back on campus in Storrs, Connecticut. The trip home was interesting to say the least I mean Geno practically banished Camille and I from sitting anywhere near the girls on the flight and the bus. Instead, he made sure we were both separated from each other and everybody else. His form of punishment.

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