stay stay stay

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*Time skip -February 15th 2023-present*

"PAIGE I SWEAR TO GOD!" I yelled as the girl threw a pillow at me. All she did was laugh as I ran after her trying to throw it back at her. The blonde, who was acting like a child jumped over the couch in an uncoordinated fashion as I followed. I launched the pillow at her which smacked her in the back of the head with a large 'whack'. She tripped over the couch as the pillow hit her, causing her to fall on the floor and for me to jump on top of her straddling her waist. I had the pillow in my hand as I put it over her face.

"Say you're sorry P!" I laughed breathlessly as she did the same.

"Ok! ok! I'm sorry!" her words escaping her mouth in between breaths.

I got off the girl and sat on the couch, she followed and sat close to me.

"I swear when one of you gets injured, how are you gonna tell Geno how?" Nika piped in from the kitchen after hearing out screams and laughs.

"well, we will just have to lie, right P?" I said as I slammed her on the stomach.

"yep," she replied to Nika, who rolled her eyes and smiled at us.

"You guys are for real partners in crime" she added.

"Well we would be but Paige is a lil too blonde for that" I laughed which made the blonde look over at me with an eyebrow raised and her tongue sticking out.

All of a sudden we heard a phone ring loudly, I turned around to see the sound when I saw Nika pick up the phone and smirk as she put it to her ear.

"hey" she said shyly as Paige and I watched her smirk.

"How was the game?" she asked whoever was on the phone. It quickly clicked in my head that my brother Jackson was the one on the phone. Paige obviously realised this too because she started laughing hysterically at my face as I scrunched it up in a disgusted expression.

Nika and Jackson officially started dating back in December when he came to watch one of our games, I was still getting time to get used to it since it was a bit strange for my best friend to talk to me about her boyfriend and know in the back of my head that it was my brother. I didn't really care though because they were both happy, and they are really cute together. Nika even spent Christmas with us since she didn't have the time to go to Croatia for the break. Plus it was good to have someone else on my team on family game night that would really get that vein on Jacksons' head popping. 

Also, Nika was still playing really good basketball either way so I don't mind. In fact we hadn't lost a game all season, well...apart from that one against Louisville where Paige and I were fighting, but other than that we were all on the top of our game. 

"Nika no! other room!" I yelled out as she smirked, rolled her eyes and went into her bedroom.

"aw baby your so-" Paige and I both heard a muffled voice coming from her bedroom as soon as she closed the door. 

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