New Romantics

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The summer break had officially started and it was finally time for Paige and Nika to stay in our house in San Fran with us, it felt like so long even though we had only been apart for two weeks. I had been texting Nika and P regularly so I didn't feel super distant. Paige and I had decided that she would come visit me first and then we would go to her house in Montana with her dad after, which was nerve-wracking for me but I knew they were super sweet. 

"Alright Jackson you ready to go pick them up from the airport?" I yelled out to my brother who was upstairs.

"yep" he yelled back as he quickly ran down the stairs to meet me at the front door. Just as we were about to leave I heard my dad call for the the both of us.

"WAIT, Jack and Cam I want to talk really quickly" he pleaded as he beckoned us to take a seat on the couch where he was, Jackson and I rolled our eyes as we closed the front door and took a seat across from him. 

"Okay," he said seriously, Jackson and I looked at each other.

"I know that you guys are both having your girlfriends over and I am super supportive of that. I also realise that Paige and Nika are staying in the spare room together but I can acknowledge that the chances of that staying like that are slight, now...I know you guys are probably going to be sexually active-" He started to lecture us which made Jackson and I physically gag.

"oh my god dad-" I said.

"EW OH MY DAYS, WE ARE NOT FIFTEEN DAD" Jackson said disgustedly.

"we do not need the birds and the bees talk oh my days" I replied sarcastically as I cupped my face in my hands.

"I know I know, I know you guys are adults so I just want to remind you guys to be safe! you know, STI's still exist" My dad attempted to lecture on.

"oh my da- nope bye dad we are leaving," I said as I quickly grabbed Jackson and left through the front door and into the car as quickly as possible, he forced me to drive but I didn't argue since I just wanted to get out of there. Jackson and I were so uncomfortable and grossed out by what our dad was saying that we started to laugh.

"he's just-" Jackson laughed as his face turned red.

"shut up" 


After driving through medium traffic to finally get to the airport Jackson and I waited patiently at arrivals for Nika and Paige to walk through to us, it was a shame I couldn't be too affectionate with her with the risk of somebody snapping a picture but I didn't mind too much because at least she was here with me. Lucky for Nika and Jackson though, they didn't have to hide. Although I don't think anybody has caught them yet despite fans being salty over Nikas 'secret' boyfriend. 

"so like...who's better you at basketball you or Paige?" My brother asked me trying to break the long silence filled with anticipation.

"shut up"

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