my future

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The thing I liked most about Paige was that we were practically the same person, she got all my jokes we have the same humour. But most of all we understand each other's experiences and I think that is why I can be unequivocally myself around her, that's why even in complete silence when we are just lying in bed at night I can feel her presence and comfort. My favourite thing was just having quality time with her, which is why the past week at my house had been so good. We were with each other twenty-four-seven. We went for breakfast and lunch. We went to the beach and we even hit up a bar one night. I am so happy that everything went well and that Paige and Nika had a great time staying with us. Nika is such an angel and even though the thoughts of her and Jackson are very gross they are super cute together.

Today I said goodbye to Nika, Jackson and my dad because Paige and I were travelling to Minnesota to visit her dad, stepmom and brother. We had already taken the plane but we had to drive an hour to where her dad lived, so we rented a car for two days un till we got Paiges car back. I was extremely nervous considering I was literally meeting her parents. 

We were about five minutes away and as Paige drove, I could see her looking over at me every few seconds, she knew from my body language that I was visibly nervous.

"Don't be nervous Milli you'll be fine, promise" she comforted with a smile.

"No, I know...I'm still gonna stress though" I said as I fidgeted with my thumbs.

"listen you are going to love them and they are going to love you" As she spoke I noticed that she said love, something so simple. Yet Paige and I hadn't told each other that we loved each other yet, I don't know what love feels like, I've been in relationships but not ones like this. Maybe she was my first love, but I wouldn't know.

"yeah, yeah you're right" I admitted as I looked over at her, I couldn't not smile when I looked at her. No matter how much we fought she always made me smile. 

"I always am" She smirked.

"Shut up Blondie" I laughed as I pretended to punch her in the arm. 

I watched as we pulled up to her house and she parked, as she did she looked over at me. Asking me if I was ready to go in, I nodded. My heart flooded with nervous butterflies, obviously, I knew everything was going to be okay but I was still scared.

As we walked to the door of the large beautiful house surrounded by well-kept greenery, Paige interlocked her hand with mine.



As we walked through the doors I was met with two people rushing to meet me, her stepmom and her dad.

"Hey guys, This is Camille" Paige introduced me as they all came up to meet me, when I saw their faces I knew I had nothing to worry about. They looked like the sweetest people on the planet.

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