𝓲𝓿. this is exactly why i can't have nice things!

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OLIVE FOUND HERSELF COMFORTABLY SEATED next to Neville, her soft head gently resting on the strong curve of his shoulder. As she did so, she was deeply engrossed in reading her all-time favorite book, 'Little Woman'. This book had a special place in her heart, not just for its intriguing narrative, but also because it was a cherished gift from Hermione, back in their second year. The book, with its worn-out cover and dog-eared pages, was a testament to the countless times she had read and re-read it, each time discovering something new and falling in love with it all over again.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Hey, Hermione?" Olive ventured, her voice slightly hesitant as she took a seat next to the studious girl at one of the many tables scattered throughout the Gryffindor common room.

Hermione looked up, her attention momentarily torn away from the multitude of books that were strewn haphazardly across the table in front of her. "Yes?" She queried, her brow furrowing slightly as she took in Olive's somewhat contemplative expression.

"You're a Muggle-Born, right?" Olive asked, her tone laced with genuine curiosity. Hermione nodded in affirmation, her bushy brown hair bouncing slightly with the movement. "I was wondering," Olive began, her voice soft, "if you might have any books I could possibly borrow. You see, my father, he got me a few Muggle books over the summer, and I've found myself truly falling head over heels in love with them."

A broad smile spread across Hermione's face, lighting up her features. "Of course!" She exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "I can owl my parents to send some." Her words made Olive sigh in relief, a soft smile tugging at her lips.

Hermione's eyes twinkled with anticipation as she asked, "What kind of books do you like?"

"Anything with strong woman characters," Olive responded without hesitation. "I don't want any cliché love stories. And definitely no Horror novels. They absolutely terrify me." The two girls shared a light-hearted chuckle at this, their laughter echoing around the room.

Hermione paused for a moment, her eyes distant as she thought. Then, a flash of understanding crossed her features. "I think," she announced, a triumphant smile gracing her lips, "I have just the perfect one."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Little Women, again?" Dean couldn't hide the amusement in his voice as he, alongside Fred and George, took their customary seats opposite her and Neville at the Gryffindor table.

Olive, engrossed in her book, looked up and her face lit up with a radiant smile. "Yep! You know it's my absolute favorite." She clutched the book tighter, a clear indication of her fondness for it.

"Yes, we know," Fred retorted in a playful groan, his mind flooded with countless memories of all the times Olive would passionately ramble on about her adoration for Jo March. He remembered her heartfelt talks about how she was moved to tears by Beth's death and her vehement belief that Laurie and Jo were destined to be together, a couple written in the stars.

"Hey! Just because you don't share my love for reading, doesn't mean I can't indulge in it." Olive pouted, her expression a mix of mock indignation and mirth.

"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Seamus's voice made Olive jump, as he slammed a newspaper in front of her.

"Who?" Ron questioned as he and Harry ran over, while Hermione scooted over.

"Sirius Black!" Seamus told the boy as everyone crowded around the newspaper.

"Dufftown?" Hermione asked as she read the article. "That's not far from here."

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐈 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔,  n. longbottomWhere stories live. Discover now