𝔁𝓿𝓲𝓲. is that really what i look like?

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"SORRY ABOUT THE BITE," SIRIUS CALLED OUT TO Ron, who was being assisted by Hermione and Harry after the sudden attack. "I reckon that twinges a bit."

"A bit?" Ron questioned in shock, his voice echoing in the air. "A bit? You almost tore my leg off!"

"He was going for the rat, Ron!" Olive interjected from her place under her father's arm as they continued to walk. "And now you can't be mad at Cosmo anymore," Olive smirked lightly, a twinkle in her eye. "He had good reason."

Sirius smiled softly, his gaze warm as he looked at his daughter before speaking again, "Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In fact, more than once, James suggested that I make the change permanent." Sirius informed them all, his voice heavy with reminiscence. "The tail, I can live with. But the fleas, they're murder." Olive let out a light laugh at his comment, making Sirius smile even more.

As they exited the tunnel, Sirius and Olive walked ahead, leading the way while Harry and Hermione helped Ron sit. Harry watched the two walk away, disappearing into the distance before Hermione spoke up, "Let them have their moment."

"I really missed you, you know," Sirius spoke as he looked at Olive, his voice soft. "You were truly the only thing keeping me sane while I was there." Olive smiled sadly as she continued to stare at the castle, her thoughts lost in the past.

"I spent my whole life wondering why you were in Azkaban," Olive spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper. "Dad never told me why you went, all he told me was that you got sent away there after James and Lily died. I only found out why you were there a few months ago." Olive confessed, her voice trembling slightly. "And it wasn't even Dad who told me." The girl shook her head, her expression solemn.

"What did you believe?" Sirius questioned quietly, his voice barely audible.

"That you were innocent," Olive spoke quickly, her voice full of conviction. "Dad spoke so highly of you, I refused to believe you could kill anyone. I refused to believe it, and now I know it's the truth." Olive smiled sadly as she leaned into Sirius. "I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

"Me too, darling." Sirius nodded before pulling back to wrap his arms around Olive's shoulders. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me."

"It's alright." Olive shook her head in his chest. "You have a lot of time to make it up." Olive sighed as Sirius ran his fingers through her hair in a comforting manner. "But right now, we need to find you a shower."

Sirius let out a laugh and softly smacked the back of Olive's head. "I smell quite nice, thank you." Olive scoffed as she pulled away. "I really don't." Sirius shook his head, a grin on his face.

"You really don't." Olive laughed as Harry made his way over. "I'll let you two talk." Olive sent Harry a small smile before standing on her tiptoes and kissing her father's cheek.

As Olive made her way over to Ron and Hermione, a pit formed in her stomach. "I'm really sorry," Olive spoke wearily as she came to a stop in front of the two. "I'm really, really, sorry. But you have to understand why I didn't tell you."

"It's alright, Liv." Hermione sighed. "But I wish you would have told us. We're your friends, we wouldn't have judged you. I hope you know that." Olive nodded softly.

"I just didn't want you guys to hate me," Olive confessed as she took a seat next to Ron. "Especially Harry. I mean, what would he have thought of me? I would have been the daughter of the man he believed killed his parents." Olive brought a hand up, wiping a stray tear that had escaped her eye.

"But he didn't," Ron spoke making Olive shrug.

"Harry believed he did." Olive pressed. "And Harry is one of my best friends, I didn't want to lose him."

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐈 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔,  n. longbottomWhere stories live. Discover now