𝔁𝓲𝓲. he needs a hug, harry. can't you see?

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AS SHE WAS DEEPLY ENGROSSED IN READING HER copy of 'American Psycho', Olive felt a gentle, soft tap on her shoulder. The interruption made her look up, pulling her away from the gritty world of the novel. Spotting her friends, her face lit up with a warm smile and she greeted them enthusiastically. "Hey, guys!" Olive said, her voice filled with happiness. She sat up from her comfortable lying position on the cozy couch, letting the book rest on her lap. "How are you lot doing?"

The group replied collectively, "We're good, Liv." It was Ron who spoke for them, his voice steady and friendly. He then came up with a proposal, "We're planning to go and see Hagrid. Would you like to come with us?" His question hung in the air, waiting for Olive's response.

Without a moment's hesitation, Olive nodded in agreement, a small but genuine smile gracing her face. "Sure, let me just grab a sweater." She quickly stood up, her body filled with sudden energy. She then dashed towards the stairs, her feet bouncing off each step as she made her way up to the dormitories.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Beautiful day," Hermione said, a warm smile lighting up her face as they strolled towards the old, wooden bridge that crossed the creek.

"Gorgeous," Ron agreed, his eyes taking in the clear blue sky above them. "Unless you've been ripped to pieces." Hermione and Olive both rolled their eyes at the dramatic statement, their expressions a mix of amusement and exasperation, as Ron shot them a defiant glare.

"Ripped to pieces?" Harry chimed in, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. His eyes darted between his three friends, seeking clarification. "What are you talking about?"

With a light scoff, Hermione clarified, "Ronald has lost his rat."

"I haven't lost anything!" Ron retorted defensively. "Your guy's cats killed him!"

Olive let out a loud scoff of disbelief, "That is complete and utter rubbish, Ron. My Cosmo would never stoop so low as to kill your rat." Olive defended her cat vehemently. "Scabbers is far too disgusting for Cosmo's refined palate." Harry and Hermione let out quiet laughs, trying to suppress their amusement, as Ron stared at Olive, clearly offended by her words.

"Just wait until Mum hears about that." Ron finally said, a triumphant grin spreading across his face as if he had won the argument.

Olive let out a loud, hearty laugh, "Oh trust me, Ron, she already knows. I told her ages ago that if I didn't care so deeply for your family, I would have fed the poor thing to Cosmo long ago."

"Harry, have you not noticed how their savage, bloodthirsty beasts are constantly lurking around, always on the prowl?" Ron voiced his concerns to Harry, his voice filled with frustration, as Hermione and Olive strolled a few steps ahead of them. "And now Scabbers has disappeared."

At his words, Hermione and Olive spun around, managing to continue their forward momentum while now facing the boys. Hermione, her eyes sparking with indignation, retorted, "Well, perhaps if you took better care of your pets, they wouldn't go missing!"

"Your monstrous cats are the culprits! They killed him!" Ron's voice rose to a near shout before he let out a piercing shriek. He had tripped over something unseen, and his body hit the ground with a resounding thud.

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by peals of laughter. The three other members of their little group couldn't contain their amusement as they took in the sight of Cosmo, the cat, sitting triumphantly on Ron's back, his eyes boring into the back of Ron's head. Olive managed to get out between fits of laughter, "Looks like Cosmo didn't appreciate your slander very much."

"Get off me, you bloodthirsty beast," Ron grumbled, annoyance evident in his tone. Cosmo responded with a small, defiant hiss before darting off to join Crookshanks, who was comfortably perched nearby.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"How did it go, Hagrid? The hearing?" Hermione called out across the distance to Hagrid, her voice filled with hope and worry, making Olive's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she tried to understand what was happening.

"Hearing?" Olive questioned quietly, her voice barely a whisper carried by the wind, as she turned to face Harry who was sitting next to her on a rock, his eyes filled with a serious glint.

"About Buckbeak," Harry explained succinctly, his words making Olive's lips form an 'O' shape as understanding washed over her and she nodded, now fully aware of the situation.

"Well, first off, the committee members took turns talking about why we were there," Hagrid started, his voice filled with a somber tone as he skipped a rock across the surface of the lake. "And then I got up and did my piece. Said how Buckbeak was a good hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers. And then Lucius Malfoy got up. Well, you can imagine." Olive let out a small scoff, her disdain clear as she heard the horrid name of Draco's father. "He said Buckbeak was a deadly and dangerous creature who would kill you as soon as look at you." Hagrid skipped another rock, the ripples spreading out across the calm water.

"And then?" Hermione questioned further, her curiosity and concern evident in her tone.

"And then he asked for the worst, did old Lucius." Hagrid sighed deeply, the sound heavy with disappointment and defeat.

"They're not sacking you!" Ron and Olive exclaimed in unison, their voices tinged with surprise and concern, making Hagrid shake his head, his face etched with sorrow.

"No, I'm not sacked." Another rock was skipped, the splash echoing across the stillness of the evening. "Buckbeak's been sentenced to death!" Hagrid cried, his voice filled with despair making Olive gasp softly, her heart clenching at the news.

"Hold my wand." Olive quickly handed Harry her wand before she swiftly began to tie her hair into a messy ponytail, her mind set on what she had to do.

"Olive, what are you doing?" Harry quickly stood up, his voice filled with concern as Olive made her way determinedly towards the water.

"He needs a hug, Harry. Can't you see?" Olive motioned to the figure of Hagrid who stood there, tears streaming down his face. Harry softly nodded understandingly before stepping back, giving her space.

Olive let out a hiss as the cold water hit her skin, it was much colder than she had anticipated. "It's gonna be alright Hagrid," Olive spoke softly, her voice filled with determination as she approached the half-giant, wrapping her arms around his arm in a comforting gesture. "We can find a way to stop this." Olive leaned into the man who sent her a sad smile in return, his tears falling silently.

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐈 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔,  n. longbottomWhere stories live. Discover now