𝔁𝓲. jokes on you, prick! neville found it!

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AUTHOR NOTE – time skip to december at hogwarts! for those of you who enjoyed the filler chapters, sorry i didn't use anymore. but i really want to get to the good parts :)

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"SO, I WAS THINKING WE COULD GO LOOK AT THE Constellations tonight after the Hogsmeade trip. I heard the Triangulum will be in the sky tonight." Olive told her friends as they walked down the corridor. The girl was awed as she stared at all the couples kissing under the mistletoe.

It was a thing that happened every December at Hogwarts. During the entire Christmas season, mistletoe appears above the heads of couples and people in love. A tradition that Olive always loved, well, she loved every Hogwarts tradition except Halloween.

During Halloween, Hogwarts became a haunted house. Behind over corner, at the end of every corridor, there were jumpscares that would pop out. Sometimes jumpscares would even pop out of your own belongings, like last year when spiders crawled out of her Astronomy book in the middle of class, but disappeared the minute they crawled out.

"The what?" Neville questioned as he walked next to Olive.

Olive giggled softly, "The Triangulum. It's like a constellation galaxy." Olive explained. "It's really pretty."

Seamus shrugged, "Anything to get away from school work." Dean nodded in agreement making Olive beam.

"Yay!" Olive grinned but her grin slowly faded as she saw some kids pointing and whispering. "What's going on?" Olive questioned as she looked around, seeing that not only a few kids were pointing and whispering, but everyone in the corridor was pointing.

Seamus and Dean looked around before spotting something over Olive and Neville's heads. Mistletoe. There was mistletoe above the pairs heads. "You might want to look up." Seamus smirked as he and Dean continued to stare at the flower floating above their friends heads.

"What?" Neville questioned quietly as he and Olive looked up. "Oh." Both teens cheeks turned red as they stared at the flower. "This has to be a mistake, I mean, we're not in love with each other."

Olive frowned but quickly replaced it with a smile. "It must be a mistake. Just ignore it." Olive shook her head, before grabbing Neville and pulling him away.

"Uh, guys," Dean called out as he and Seamus watched the duo walk away. "It's not leaving. It's just following you."

"For fucks sake..." Olive sighed before looking up at Neville. "Kiss me."

Neville's eyes widened, "W-What?" Neville stuttered as he stared at the girl.

"Just kiss me on the cheek or something," Olive told the boy hurriedly. "Please, I want to get this thing away." Olive pointed above them.

Neville nodded, "Okay." People rushed in, circling the two Gryffindors as Olive stepped closer to Neville.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The chant started quiet, but gradually got louder as Neville slowly leaned down.

Olive's breath hitched as Neville's lips found her cheek, kissing it softly before pulling away. Trapped in some sort of euphoric daze, the two teens stared at each other, their cheeks bright red while everyone else cheered. Seamus and Dean included.

Olive cleared her throat slightly, taking a step back. "Is it gone?" Neville cleared his throat as well before looking up.

Neville nodded, "Yeah, it's gone."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

With an authoritative tone, Filch boomed across the courtyard, "Last call for Hogsmeade! Come on, now!" His voice reverberated as he led the group of eager teenagers towards the waiting carriages. "Last call for Hogsmeade!" he repeated, his voice echoing into the distance.

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐈 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔,  n. longbottomWhere stories live. Discover now