𝔁𝓿. hermione, are you sure you don't go for girls?

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AUTHOR NOTE – i'm back which means the regular
everyday updates will continue!!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

OLIVE FOUND HERSELF STARING INTENTLY AT THE gleaming crystal ball in front of her, her face devoid of any discernible expression. She was deep in the throes of another Divination class. "The delicate art of crystal gazing demands the purification of the Inner Eye. Only through this can the truth be revealed. Please, try again." Professor Trelawney's voice broke the silence, echoing in the room filled with a mystical aura.

Suddenly, the professor's voice rang out again, breaking Olive's concentration, "Now, what do we have here?" Olive and Seamus were abruptly pulled out from their concentration as they watched the professor gracefully move towards their table, her robes flowing behind her.

"Would you allow me to try my luck?" Olive inquired, her tone dripping with an unusual sweetness. Trelawney, seemingly oblivious, nodded in agreement, eliciting a pleased smile from Olive. "It could possibly be The Grim." The sweetness in Olive's tone abruptly vanished, replaced by a bland, monotonous voice.

Trelawney looked at Olive with an inscrutable expression, "My dear child, from the very first moment you set foot in my class," The professor reached out and captured Olive's hand, flipping it over to expose the palm. "I sensed that you did not possess the apt spirit for the noble and ancient art of Divination." Trelawney's finger traced the lines on Olive's palm, each movement filled with a mysterious intent. "Look here...you may be young in years but the heart that beats within your bosom is as shriveled as that of an old maid's," Olive's eyes shot a quick, silent mocking glance at Seamus, who couldn't help but snort in response. "Your soul is as parched as the pages of the books to which you cling so dearly."

"Let me go." Olive scoffed as she yanked her hand away from Trelawney with a sudden jerk. "You have lost your senses. You're completely and utterly mad." Olive shook her head in disbelief and with a swift motion of her hand, she sent the crystal ball crashing off the table. "I'll see you guys next period," Olive told Seamus hastily as she stood up, swiftly making her way out of the classroom, leaving behind a trail of scandalized whispers.

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"As shriveled as that of an old maid's," Olive declared with a hint of mockery in her voice, tossing a smooth, flat stone into the placid water. She watched with satisfaction as it skittered across the surface, creating a series of concentric ripples before finally succumbing to the weight of gravity and sinking into the murky depths of the lake. Olive selected another stone, skipping it as well, before retreating several steps from the water's edge. She sank down onto the plush grass of the shoreline, a content sigh escaping her lips. "Piss up a rope," she muttered to herself, reclining on the grassy knoll. She slipped her arms under her head, providing a makeshift pillow, and closed her eyes against the bright afternoon sun.

"Olive?" A familiar voice interrupted her peaceful solitude. Olive's eyes snapped open, her gaze landing on the figure standing over her. "What are you doing here?" George questioned, his voice filled with surprise as he took a seat next to Olive.

"What are you doing here?" Olive retorted, her tone slightly defensive. She was curious about his sudden appearance.

"I asked first," George responded, a light chuckle escaping his lips. Olive sat up, brushing off the grass from her clothes.

"Fine," Olive responded, rolling her eyes playfully. "I walked out of class," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. She scooted closer to George, her body instinctively seeking his warmth in the chill of the evening. "Professor Trelawney was getting under my skin. Your soul is as parched as the pages of the books to which you cling so dearly, she said. What a load of nonsense." Olive shook her head, a disgusted look crossing her face. George, noticing her discomfort, wrapped his arm around her shoulders, drawing her close to him for warmth.

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐈 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔,  n. longbottomWhere stories live. Discover now