𝔁𝓲𝓲𝓲. she was also the most beautiful girl i'd ever laid eyes on

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AUTHOR NOTE – this chapter contains a flash back to the
Marauders Era. i wrote Sirius and James in the way i perceive
them, so please do not come at me.

also! the flashback will not be in italics, it is in normal
text like how you're reading this message. so pay carful
attention to when the flashback starts and when it ends.

!!  P L E A S E   R E A D   T H E   A U T H O R S   N O T E
A T   T H E   E N D  !!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

AS THE NIGHT GREW DEEPER, OLIVE FOUND herself situated in her father's well-organised office. She was seated in an old, comfortable armchair, her eyes wide and transfixed on the antique book that lay on the polished mahogany desk in front of her. "Would you care to elaborate on how this particular book found its way into the sanctuary of your room?" Remus inquired, his voice laced with a hint of sternness as he gestured towards the book in question.

"I'm at a loss," Olive responded, shaking her head in bewilderment. This elicited a pointed look from Remus, his gaze penetrating. Olive heaved a deep sigh, her shoulders drooping as she lowered her gaze to her lap in resignation. "I...I stole it from the library," she confessed in a muted voice, causing Remus to sigh in disappointment.

Remus was taken aback by her confession. "What drove you to such an action?" he probed further. "What compelled you to steal this book, Olive?"

Olive merely shrugged nonchalantly, "I have a desire to delve deeper into the realm of magic."

"But that's exactly what you're doing here, Olive," Remus countered, trying to reason with his daughter, but she shook her head in disagreement.

"Dad, by the age of ten, I had already mastered every single spell that is taught here," Olive scoffed dismissively. "I have no interest in learning about frivolous charms that transform a rose into a butterfly or spells that merely serve as a shield," Olive explained to her father. "I yearn for more extensive knowledge."

Remus scoffed in disbelief, "Oh, is that so? What else is there that you need to learn, Olive? What other arcane knowledge do you seek?" he challenged.

"I want to master combat spells! I want to learn real defense, not just rely on Protego or Expelliarmus!" Olive exclaimed passionately, rising from her seat. "I wish to equip myself with the skills to defend myself so that if You-Know-Who ever returns, I won't be a mere casualty!"

"You are already being trained in self-defense in your classes! There's no need for you to resort to theft to learn!" Remus retorted, causing Olive to shake her head in disagreement.

"Really? Am I truly learning everything there is to know about magic?" Olive questioned, a sinister smile playing on her lips. "If that's the case, then enlighten me, father," Olive sat back down, her gaze never leaving Remus. "Why does this book contain the knowledge of wandless magic?"

Remus's eyes widened in shock, "You read the contents of the book?"

"Quite evidently," Olive replied with a chuckle.

Remus's voice echoed louder this time in the room. "Why would you dare to read that book, Olive?" he pressed, his worry evident.

"Because it piqued my interest!" Olive retorted. "And what's the big deal about me reading the book? It's just a book, dad!"

Remus shook his head, sinking into the chair across from her, "It's far more than just a book, Olive." He sighed heavily as he ran a hand through his hair. "That book is far from being just an ordinary book."

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐈 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔,  n. longbottomWhere stories live. Discover now