𝔁𝓿𝓲. love, i think it's time you met your daughter

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IN THE MIDST OF THEIR PURSUIT, OLIVE, HERMIONE, and Harry ran after Ron with a sense of urgency. Olive, her voice tinged with worry, questioned the group, "You guys realize what tree that is?" They came to a halt, their eyes following Ron as he made a dive for Scabbers.

A sense of impending dread filled the air. "That's not good. Ron, run!" Harry's warning echoed through the quiet as everyone's gaze was fixated on the ginger-headed boy in worry.

Ron paused and looked up, his face morphing into a terrified expression. The Weasley boys voice rang out in a panicked cry, "Guys, run!"

Olive, Hermione, and Harry whipped around swiftly, their eyes widening in fear as they were met with the sight of a large black dog standing there, growling menacingly at them. A chilling scream escaped Olive's lips as the dog charged towards them. They waited for the impending attack, the animal's fangs ready to maul one of them, but it never came. Instead, the dog bypassed them, heading straight for Ron.

"Ron! Ron, wait!" Harry's voice was filled with desperation as he saw the dog grab onto Ron's leg, pulling him towards the infamous Whomping Willow. "Ron!"

"Harry!" Ron's desperate cry echoed as the dog dragged him into an entrance to the willow tree. Harry made a desperate dive towards Ron, their hands reaching out for one another, but it was too late. Ron had been dragged into the dark entrance.

"No! Ron!" Their voices rang out in unison, filled with fear and shock as they stared into the ominous entrance. Olive's eyes darted up as she noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye.

"Guys!" Olive's warning came just in time before the tree branch whipped towards them, sending them flying back. Olive whimpered as she held her stomach, grateful for Hermione as the bushy-haired girl helped her stand. "Thanks."

"Come on!" Harry's voice rang out again, pulling the two girls towards the dangerous tree. A branch came smashing to the ground, causing them to leap to the side. "Move!" Harry jumped to the left, while Hermione and Olive jumped to the right, narrowly avoiding one of the Whomping Willow's vicious branches.

They quickly got back on their feet, their gaze shifting back to the willow tree just as another branch swung their way. "Duck!" Hermione's alert saved them, she and Olive getting down in time, but Harry wasn't as lucky, being hit by the branch and sent flying to the side.

"Jump!" Olive's command rang out as another branch came flying towards her and Hermione's feet. Both girls reacted quickly, narrowly missing the branch. "Duck!" Olive was quick to duck down, but Hermione wasn't as fortunate, being hit by the branch. "Hermione!"

With adrenaline coursing through her veins, Olive watched as Hermione gripped onto the branch, being whipped and twisted around. Olive reacted swiftly to dodge another branch aiming for her feet, her eyes catching a glimpse of an opening into the Willow tree. Her heart pounded in her chest as she sprinted headlong, aiming for the entrance.

Olive took a daring leap into the entrance, her scream echoing through the tunnel as her arm scraped along one of the jagged rocks, leaving painful scratch marks down her arm. Her painful yelps filled the tunnel again as Harry landed on top of her. "Ow! What the fuck!" Olive's exclamation was followed by another as an additional body was piled on top of her and Harry. "Get off!"

"I'm sorry!" Hermione quickly apologized, scrambling off of Harry, who in turn quickly got off of Olive.

"Sorry, Olive." Harry apologized sincerely as he extended a hand to help the girl up.

"Olive, you're bleeding!" Hermione's voice was filled with concern as she noticed the tear on Olive's sweater, small dots of blood seeping through the fabric.

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐈 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔,  n. longbottomWhere stories live. Discover now