𝓿𝓲𝓲. happy birthday, mione!

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AUTHOR NOTE — i was looking through the time line of the movies and realized there is SO. MUCH. TIME. between every scene in Harry Potter, i'm talking like WEEKS. so i hope y'all enjoy the filler chapters :)

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DEAN GROANED WITH THE WEIGHT OF THE BAGS he was carrying, the strain evident in his voice as he complained, "Next time you want decorations for a party, get them yourself." Among the group, Seamus, Neville, Angelina, Harry, Ron, and the twins were also burdened with similar loads, their arms filled with bags of various shapes and sizes. With a grunt of effort, Dean set one of his bags onto the table, the contents spilling out in a riot of colors and shapes.

Olive scoffed at his complaint, her tone light but her words pointed. "My bad that I want to celebrate my friend's birthday," she retorted, her hands busy as she and the group started to unload the bags. "Prick," she added under her breath, the word barely audible.

Dean turned towards her sharply at the insult. "Hey!" he exclaimed, his eyebrows furrowing in a mock expression of hurt. "I'm helping, aren't I?"

Despite the biting words exchanged, Olive's face softened as she looked at him. "Yes, yes you are," she admitted, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "And I very much appreciate it."

Dean's face relaxed into a grin at her words. "Thank you," he responded, sending her a short nod before he returned to his task, his arms once again filled with decorations to pile onto the table.

Feeling the energy in the room rise, Olive turned to the group, her voice ringing out clearly. "Alright, people!" she exclaimed, her words cutting through the chatter as everyone discarded their emptied bags. "We have," she paused for dramatic effect, grabbing George's forearm and glancing at the shiny watch that sat on his wrist. "Exactly an hour before Hermione gets back from studying. Let's do this!"

Their spirits lifted by her words, Dean and the twins let out a resounding "Yeah!" The group's energy was infectious, and pretty soon everyone was reaching for decorations, their hands dipping into the pile as they started to transform the room.

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"No! No! No!" Olive groaned, her tone full of frustration. She hastened her steps, her shoes clicking against the stone floor as she walked over to Ron. "Put them up higher! Like this!" Olive instructed, her voice echoing in the room. With her magic wand firmly gripped in her hand, she pointed it at the streamers, her eyes focused on the task. Under her breath, she muttered 'Wingardium Leviosa'. Olive's face lit up with a triumphant grin as she watched the streamers defy gravity, floating in the air before settling on top of one of the many ancient, majestic paintings that adorned the walls of the common room. "See? Look how much better that looks!" She declared, a sense of satisfaction in her voice.

"Yeah." Ron nodded, his voice lacking conviction. "Right."

Olive, pleased with the improvement, flashed a radiant smile and walked away. She ignored Ron as he whispered 'She sure can be bossy' to Harry, who responded with a laugh. "We have twenty minutes, people! Let's hurry it up!" Olive reminded everyone, her voice rising above the noise.

"We know!" The collective response rang through the room, causing Olive to roll her eyes in mild annoyance.

"Bug!" Olive grinned as she approached Neville, who was diligently arranging some flowers around, specifically Violets, Hermione's favorite. "Would you like to come with me to get her cake?"

"Yeah, sure." Neville responded with a soft, pleasant smile.

"When we get back," Olive started, her tone serious as she and Neville began making their way to the exit of the common room. "I expect the decoration to be complete!"

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐈 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔,  n. longbottomWhere stories live. Discover now