Chapter 19

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"This is unbelievable." Fred said as he sat back down on the bed next to Melanie. "I don't even know what to say."

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" He asked confused.

"For everything. For lying to you. For messing up your life. I'm just sorry about it all." She put her hands in her face and started to cry again.

"It's okay. I just need some time to think about everything. This is a lot to take in you know."

"Yeah. I understand. I understand if you never want to speak to me again. If you want me out of your life and away from everyone you love. I-" Fred grabbed her wrists and she slightly flinched at the pain.

"Sorry." He loosened his hold and placed their hands on his knees. "Answer me honestly, are you a danger to me or to any of my siblings?"

"No. As I said I can't bend and even if I could I would never use it on anyone who is good. Hell, I wouldn't even use it on Malfoy and he's really the worst sometimes." Fred smiled lightly at that last comment.

"Does anyone else know?" He continued.

"The teachers, and Harry. Well he doesn't know what I am. He just knows I'm not an ordinary witch. We train with Lupin together sometimes, so he's aware of my skills but thankfully he doesn't linger on the subject."

"Melanie, is there any way you can show me? I'm just having an incredibly difficult time with believing it."

"I don't know if this will work." She said hesitantly as she got up and walked towards the bathroom. Fred followed her. They stood in front of the mirror and Melanie took Fred's hand and placed it on her lower back underneath the sweater.

"I need you to go up to the centre of my back, where my wound is, and I need you to press as hard as you can. Maybe cast a silencing charm first though."

He cast the charm. And found the spot on her back. Melanie flinched at his touch. "Melanie, is this going to hurt you?"

"Maybe." She responded quietly.

"No I'm not doing it." He said fiercely as he removed his hand from her back. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Fred. It's the only way you can see the true beast that I am."

"No Melanie. I'm not hurting you." He said firmly.

"Fine." She turned around so that now she was facing him. Before he could stop her she rammed her back against the sharp edge of the sink. She let out a scream as she felt the energy buzz through her once more. She closed her hand over her mouth to muffle her cries as she closed her eyes in pain. When she looked back up at Fred his face looked paralysed with shock. She turned around to the mirror and looked at her reflection.

"See." She said quietly. "I'm a beast."

Fred looked at the blonde in front of him, unable to stop all the thoughts going through his head. Within a split second her eyes turned from their usual deep ocean blue to a fiery and deep crimson. He turned her back around and he took her face in his hands. He was looking hard into her eyes. He finally saw what was hiding behind them. When he touched her soft skin he could feel the warmth coming from her. He couldn't help thinking that she didn't look like a monster. Even like this she was still gorgeous, not only from the outside but from the inside too.

This whole situation was still a lot to process, and he had to really think about everything. But now that he saw the real her, he couldn't imagine letting her go. He found warmth in her red eyes and, just like with the blue, he was getting lost in them too.

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now