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    Alcohol pumped through his veins as he danced to the EDM mixed with Pop music

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Alcohol pumped through his veins as he danced to the EDM mixed with Pop music. He could feel his delirium increasing as he continued to take shots one after the other, back to back as if he couldn't have a care in the world. And he currently doesn't.

His favorite part of the night when going out is getting fucked up as if it's his first time. The whole day disappears along with the concept of time. He doesn't have a care in the world when he's drunk out of his mind. He forgets about the anxiety he felt the previous night about the future and the fact that he's in love with someone who will never love him in the same way, he can just be Jimin.

He glanced over to Jungkook who doesn't have a clue about anything going on in his mind. He has no clue how Jimin feels about him and how much it eats him up inside. It kills him daily to know that his best friend is straight and has proven the assumption multiple times.

He has no idea how scared Jimin is to lose him as a person, not just as a friend. Jungkook is Jimin's world and it's probably obvious to everyone else besides the boy himself.

From the way Jimin can't bring himself to stop staring at the taller with stars in his eyes as Jungkook shouts on the top of his lungs, jumping to the music. He watched silently, getting entranced by the beauty of his best friend underneath the luminosity of the room. He looked so ethereal that Jimin had to blink to make sure Jungkook was an actual human.

"He can't be", Jimin mentally spoke to himself, watching the smile reach Jungkook's doe eyes, crinkling them at the edges.

He could stare at the boy for as long as he wanted during these type of moments. And no one would judge him for it because no one has cares enough to, not even Jungkook who glanced to side of him, catching Jimin's intense gaze.

The two locked eyes for a second too long before Jimin was accidentally nudged forward. The push made him stumble into his best friend, causing Jungkook to spill his drink.

The moment was ruined in a matter of seconds.

"What the fuck", Jungkook grumbled as he drunkenly pushed Jimin away from him and wiped off his damp clothes.

Jimin gulped and stepped back, an inaudible apology escaping his mouth. The person that knocked into them came up to make up for the mistake.

"Aye man, my fault bro!", the voice was familiar and Jimin could recognize the body that came into view.

The guy was a friend that Jimin would occasionally see Jungkook hang around after school. Jimin hung around the guy maybe twice or so but never really formed a bond with him. He was more Jungkook's friend than his.

"You - here - can take this!", the guy slurred, barely forming a coherent sentence.

Jungkook scoffed, snatching the drink out of the other's hand and had something whispered in his ear.

Jimin observed closely, wondering what was being exchanged between the two and why he wasn't included in the conversation. He sipped his own drink and waited for the two to end their talk, going back to what he was doing before and enjoyed the vibe of the club.

After a few minutes that felt like hours, Jimin felt a large hand place itself on top of his shoulder, pulling him backward. He could feel a chest come in contact with his back and a warm breath fan his neck. It sent shivers down his spine, knowing who it was behind him and it took everything in his body to fight back the urge to lean back and cave into the touch.

He held his composure.

"I'm over this shit!", Jungkook shouted but wasn't heard at first.

"What!", Jimin returned, turning around to face the taller to hear him better. "You - what?", he asked with his eyes squinted.

Jungkook leaned down, hovering over the smaller, repeating himself louder this time. "I'm said I'm over this shit! We should go!"

"You're over this?"

Jungkook nodded. "We should go!"

Jimin blinked confused at the sudden need to leave but chose to go along with it anyway.

"Alright!", he shouted and guided them both out of the club.

Once they both made it outside, Jimin threw his disposable bottle away and glanced over to Jungkook who chugged down the drink given to him at the club. He saw a pale green substance run down his chin and witnessed a cringed frown etch itself on Jungkook's face.

"Oh god, what the fuck did I just drink?", he grunted, tossing the cup inside a nearby trash.

"You don't know what substance you were given? How dumb can you fucking get?", Jimin scolded.

"Shut up, bitch"

"Don't tell me to shut up, you dumb-fuck"

Jimin glanced down at his watch and saw that the time was past midnight. He doesn't know how they're getting home since they are both shitfaced drunk and knows better than to drive home. He pulled out his phone, thinking of who he can call to come pick them up.

"Well, what the fuck, why are we still standing here? Let's go!", Jungkook laughed, giving Jimin a hard pat on the back before taking off down the sidewalk, leaving him even more confused than before.

chapter two - published: 05 - 11 - 2024

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