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    The morning was the worst for Jimin

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The morning was the worst for Jimin. When his phone alarm went off at its usual time, he glanced to the side of him and saw a naked Jungkook. He didn't say anything and just laid still admiring the blonde for the time being, enjoying his warmth, having a feeling the moment won't last. And he was correct, it didn't.

Jungkook had snuck out and little did he know, Jimin was awake the whole time.

Jimin could feel his heart drop at the sight of his best friend rushing out of the house as if he was some random hookup. It was a 'hit it and quit it' vibe for Jimin and it nearly brought tears to his eyes. It should be expected, since Jungkook was notorious for his one night stands, but Jimin thought he would be a little different. Those people were strangers, he was the best friend. He should be treated differently. But he wasn't.

With a sigh, the boy lifted himself up to sit on the edge of the bed to think to himself. Last night was wild to say the least. He doesn't know how they managed to get to point A to point D, but smiled at the memory. He's never had an experience like that before with a man. He's never had any sexual encounters with a boy and Jungkook was his first.

Jungkook was his first. The taller took his virginity. Jimin had to let that sink in. He didn't particularly want to because it's only going to make him feel worse and more insecure about the other ditching. He shouldn't think about it this early in the morning. He needs to get up and get dressed. It's time for his morning routine.

Without much thought he stood up from the bed only to feel the most excruciating pain in his lower back.

"Holy fuck!", Jimin cried as he fell back down on the bed.

He clenched his fists by his sides as he hissed at the sudden ache that traveled up his spine. 'What the actual...', Jimin thought to himself as he rubbed his back, not understanding what he just felt.

Jimin blinked and hesitated but made another attempt to get up. He did it slower than before and could feel his legs wobble.

He hissed at every step he took and held on the things in his room to help him towards the bathroom. He flickered on the light and was shocked at what he saw in the mirror. His body was painted with purple and pink marks, there were even some on his hips. His face heated up at the remembrance of the night.

Well, there goes him wearing anything but a sweater today. He usually does for his jogs but there will have to be a change in plans.

"I can't workout today regardless", Jimin groaned as he went to turn on his shower.

Let's hope he's able to get through a shower.


"I'm never having gay sex again!", Jimin cried out loud in his empty house as he made it downstairs.

He managed to take a shower (not an efficient one) and put on some sort of clothing. Instead of his usual jeans and band tee, he threw on a dark hoodie and sweats. It was the most he could muster in so much pain. He's never getting fucked in the ass again. He refuses.

He tossed himself on the sofa and turned on the television. He could go for a smoke but that would take too much out of him. He would have to look for his pack and he's does not have the physical capability to do so. He needed to rest for god-knows-how long.

As if the universe knew he needed it, his tuxedo cat came and hopped up on the couch next to him. He grinned, making grabby hands towards his precious baby boy, picking up the furry animal.

"Hi, Chimmy~", Jimin cooed as the feline meowed in the air at the sight of his owner.

Jimin grinned ear to ear at his cat. He's loved the cat ever since he rescued him in the beginning of high school. They instantly connected, Chimmy being nice to only a select group of people. Jimin was the person he snuggled to the most and Jimin felt so much love for his pet. He saw it as his child. He loved his cat more than anyone in the world, including himself and Jungkook. That should speak for itself.

"At least you love me enough not to leave", Jimin cooed as the cat snuggled into his neck, curling in its tail. "Unlike some people...", Jimin grumbled and switched through channels.

He frowned feeling more hurt than anger with a smudge of fear. What was going to happen to their friendship now? They had sex and enjoyed it - well, Jimin hopes the taller enjoyed it as much as him. Of course, he hates the aftermath of it but he will admit in the moment, it felt unreal. He can only hope Jungkook felt the same way.

chapter eight- published: 06 - 07 - 2024

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