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    "Hey, can we talk", Jungkook broke the silence on the plane as they rode first class

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    "Hey, can we talk", Jungkook broke the silence on the plane as they rode first class.

Jimin kept quiet and to himself as he stared out of the window with his headphones hung around his neck. He was not in the mood to converse with the younger. What he had witnessed a couple hours prior soured his attitude towards the blonde. He still couldn't believe that after two weeks of not speaking that all of sudden he shows up on his couch as if nothing happened.

Riding on the same plane as the younger made Jimin feel as if he was getting gaslit somehow. Like he imagined the past couple of weeks and that's he's the absurd one.

"I know that you're angry which is completely understandable and..."

Jimin scoffed and put back on his head phones to drown out the boy beside him. He knows he's being petty and should communicate with Jungkook but he doesn't want to at the moment, especially when he's angry. He might say something he'll regret.

If anything, he'll talk when he's ready and no longer wants to disconnect Jungkook's head from his shoulders. Because he's tempted to pounce on the taller and bruise him everywhere with a bat repeatedly. Just for him to feel what he was feeling for two weeks.

He felt so dead inside when they weren't in contact to where a smile could never make way to his face, no matter how hard he tried. He was torn from the inside out from what happened, blaming himself for ruining the friendship when Jungkook was smiling ear to ear with his parents.

To Jimin it felt as if his best friend hadn't felt a thing with not speaking to him and that he was disposable. That he doesn't hold as much value as Jimin hold for him. Jimin knows that he views Jungkook in a light that Jungkook will never in a million years see him in, but for him not to even be treated like a friend was heartbreaking.

Seeing him on the couch felt worse than not seeing him at all.

And that's what the plane ride consisted of. Jimin listening to music to match his mood, while taking sneak peaks at Jungkook to see him half-heartedly watching a movie. Occasionally, the two would make eye contact and that was the hardest part to ignore for Jimin.

Jimin adores everything about Jungkook, especially his child-like eyes. They were so big and brown - doe eyes that held so much expression. His eyes were something Jimin could read like a book, word for word. Jungkook's eyes were windows to what he was feeling and Jimin catching them in his own let him know that he was indeed apologetic.

But he didn't want to see that. He wants to stay angry until the end of the flight, so it can be easier to disregard him the same way he was. That's hard to do when you can see the truth within the lie. Jimin can see how much Jungkook feels for him as a friend but that still doesn't change the fact that he wasn't shown that.

What made Jungkook show up now? What made him come on this trip? Jimin knows that his family most likely went out of their way to contact Jungkook for him to attend the trip with them because he does every trip. The two have been flying together since day one. Wherever Jimin went Jungkook went, vice versa.

What made Jungkook agree?

Jimin needed to know what convinced the younger to stop ignoring him. Whatever it was, he was secretly grateful for. No matter how hateful he wants to be towards Jungkook, Jimin couldn't be fully.

Jungkook is his best friend whether he likes it or not, they've been best friends since they came out the womb. It doesn't help that he's also in love with the tall blonde and has been for almost a decade.

It's not easy being in love with someone who has no clue or the same interest in you. And Jimin was okay with that, he accepted that truth. That truth changed when Jungkook was desperate to kiss him, which led to them having sex.

Jimin still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he got fucked by his straight best friend. For the longest time, Jimin has seen Jungkook mess with women and women only. The topic of sex would strictly be about women, never once did either one them mentioned the thought of a man.

Jimin has questioned what Jungkook's beliefs were when it came to LGBTQ+ community and if he's open to the idea, but never gathered up the courage to do so. Every time Jungkook would chat about women he's been with, Jimin would do the same.

Of course, he would lie and state that he would like to have sex with so and so but in reality he had little to no interest in women. He found them beautiful but he finds them as attractive as he would his own mother.

Never in his life he thought he would expose his desires for the same sex with the straight boy he's in love with.

'What the actual fuck', is all Jimin could say to himself as he unfolded the events in his head.

chapter twelve- published: 06 - 15 - 2024

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