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    Bones cracked and joints popped as the teen stretched his body once they finally reached the hotel room

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Bones cracked and joints popped as the teen stretched his body once they finally reached the hotel room. Flying was definitely not Jungkook's favorite part of traveling but it wasn't too uncomfortable since he rode in first class.

He checked out his and Jimin's private suite, taking a liking to how this one seemed. He forgot the foreign name of the hotel but he can see that it's different from the last visit he had to Nevada. He's only been to Nevada twice now because of Jimin's family and he will say the state has decent hotels - expensive yet homey.

If only he could afford a room like this one himself. He prays that one day he will when he gets his life figured out. All he has planned for his future is to follow Jimin around the globe. The two will be partners in crime creating havoc wherever they go, that's what he hoped.

He's not too sure about that plan now, considering how he fucked up. He needed space but he should've communicated that to his best friend instead of leaving him in the dark. Communication isn't Jungkook's strong suit.

Speaking of which — "Hey, can we talk for a sec?", Jungkook asked, setting side his luggage to one of the beds.

Jimin paused for a second at hearing Jungkook speak and went back to settling in the hotel. He blatantly ignored the taller, moving over to his side of the room.

Jungkook sighed for the nth time and watched his best friend unpack his suitcase to organize his clothes. 'Typical Jimin', when the older is stressed he tends to find something to organize or clean and Jungkook is aware of this habit.

"Look, I feel bad for not answering the phone for the past few days", Jungkook started with an awkward half-apology and saw that his words held no meaning towards Jimin.

"I know you're angry but I did have my reasons—"

Jimin silently shoved past Jungkook to get to their shared closet, knocking their shoulders together on purpose.

Jungkook huffed and stepped up behind the older, cornering him by the closet as he hung a few clothes.

"As I was saying, I was going through it and it's not like I didn't answer for no—", Jungkook felt Jimin shove past him once more, setting his temper off.

"For the love of — can you stop to listen for one fucking second! I'm trying to be honest with you here!"

This sent the ravenette off as well with both getting worked up by one another.

"You can't be serious. You're getting angry with me? You're the fucking problem here!"

"Oh, so he can speak", Jungkook remarked sarcastically, earning an eye roll from the shorter.

"I can say the same thing about you asshole!"

"I'm the asshole?", Jungkook defended himself absentmindedly, forgetting that he was supposed to be apologizing. "It's not like I ignored you without reason. After what happened that night, I needed to process what happened. It felt like I was going through a whole internal crisis!"

"Okay and how do you think I felt?", Jimin started, getting angrier by the second to where his eyes were watering.

"I was just as fucking scared as you and you go ahead and disappear. I called you everyday for two fucking weeks and not once did you pick up the phone to let me know if you were okay or not, you didn't care to ask about me either. The whole time I kept worrying to see if you were okay, I only thought about you! You selfish prick!"

Jungkook blinked not know what to defend himself with, hearing that Jimin was only stating facts. The older did contact him countless of times, leaving voicemails and messages left and right, checking to see if he whether he was alright or not, and Jungkook hadn't sent a single word.

"And then you had the nerve to show up in my house all happy and shit, laughing with my fucking parents as if you hadn't ended our friendship a week ago!", Jimin hiccuped, having his breath get caught in his throat.

"Our friendship never ended"

"Well, it sure felt like it did"

Jungkook witnessed fresh tears drip from the shorter's face and his immediate instinct was to apologize again for his behavior. Jimin rarely cried and for Jungkook to see him cry in front of him now, broke down every wall he had up.

"Hyung, I'm sorry... I - you're right... I shouldn't have handled things the way I did", Jungkook muttered honestly, not used to apologizing for anything and stepped up to the ravenette.

Jimin sniffed, blinking some tears away and wiped the rest with his forearm. His face tented from not only crying in front of someone, but also from their close proximity. This is not what he needs right now and had the strongest urge to step back.

Jungkook stared down at his best friend with truth in his eyes, hoping Jimin can understand them.

"I had my reasons but that doesn't change the fact that it was selfish of me to not consider you in the situation and I'm so sorry Jimin-hyung", Jungkook apologized, feeling like a child all of sudden. It made him uncomfortable.

It's not often where Jungkook has to apologize for his actions or for anything in that matter. He's self assured and rarely ever sees himself wrong in any situation, whether or not it's his fault or not. He gets people to apologize, not the other way around.

However, looking at a tearful Jimin changed that fact.

Jimin shuffled, exuding the same energy as Jungkook and cleared his throat.

"It's okay. I get it, we were both pretty freaked out by what happened"

"Yeah", Jungkook chuckled awkwardly.

"So should we talk about it?", Jimin suggested timidly.

Jungkook thought about it for a second, not feeling up to discussing more about that night. It's still hard for him to even think about it without forming a tent in his pants.

"There's not much to talk about. We had sex and regret it - simple. Nothing else to add", Jungkook deflected the situation and overlooked Jimin's hurt expression at his statement.

"Uh - yeah, I guess... I guess that's - that's what happened..."

"Is there something else to add?", Jungkook questioned hesitantly.

"Ah no, not at all. I feel the exact same", Jimin chuckled dryly. "I'm gonna go shower, I look like shit"

Jungkook didn't respond and watched Jimin move to gather things he'll need for his shower. He stared in confound silence as he couldn't shake the feeling that something still went unsaid by his best friend.

chapter thirteen- published: 06 - 19- 2024

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