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one week later

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one week later

The two teenagers haven't spoken to each other since that night at the club and it's been killing Jimin. The ravenette has been working out constantly, keeping himself busy with nonsense. He's been over exerting himself when it comes to his morning workouts, his mid-day skateboarding and his evening preparation studies for college.

He's been trying his best to distract himself from what happened. He's tried to contact Jungkook to ask him about how he was feeling but no answer. He hasn't heard anything since the morning he ran out the room. Jimin has went to his house countless of times only for someone other than him to answer the door, stating that he wasn't home.

He couldn't always not be home. It's been a week! And that fact has been eating Jimin up inside. What has he done...

He should've never let things go that far that night. He should have known Jungkook would freak out - hell, he was freaked out himself, but he can't even begin to imagine what Jungkook is thinking. Jungkook is straight - Jimin is not and Jimin had a clear understanding of himself before, so he's not laced in sexual confusion.

But he could at least let Jimin know he needs time to himself. Jimin feels horrible for what happened and would take it back in a heartbeat if he could just to have Jungkook as his best friend again. He never thought he would lose him this way.

With everything on his mind, Jimin felt himself lose balance on his skateboard while trying a particular technique and flew off his board, landing harshly on the pavement. He made the dumb mistake of attempting to catch himself with his hands, scraping the skin off the palms.

He cussed to himself as he stood up and peered down at his now skinned hands. His hands shook from the impact and dripped red substance, having a little land on his shoes and shirt.

He stared at them for a few minutes, taking in the pain he felt in his hands. The pain wasn't even close to what he had been experiencing this past week even when his hands shook with agony. He clenched them in order to inflict greater hurt to match what he was feeling.

It was masochistic of him to do but he could feel himself feel slightly better. He almost enjoyed the intensity he felt in his hands. Once he opened his palms, he could see that he had dug his nails within the wound, deepening the cuts.

When more blood seeped from his hands, he took that as his hint to head home and get them wrapped before they get infected. He flipped over his skateboard and began riding home.

When he made it to his two story house, he fiddled for his keys and unlocked the door trying his best not to get blood on the knob. He stepped inside, taking off his shoes, setting his skateboard under his arm and surprisingly heard rustling in the kitchen.

He half-expected it to be their maid and mainly hoped it was Jungkook rummaging through his fridge. The younger does have a spare key to his house, so it wouldn't surprise Jimin since he's used to the other doing so.

But to his dismay, it wasn't either of those options.

"Jimin, it's great to see you home", his father spoke, coming out into view with one of Jimin's health bars in hand.

Jimin bowed politely at the man before him, giving him his respect first. Something he has to do with both parents and other family members.

"How have you been?", the father asked and Jimin shrugged, knowing that his father doesn't actually give a single care about the answer. "That's good. Have you been studying? You know Harvard is right around the corner and you need to be prepared. You need to be on top of everything once school starts. You don't want to be stressed because you're left behind in work..."

Jimin began to block out his father's speech that he and his mother gave him countless of times. Whether it be about studies for his school work or extracurricular activities, he has to be on top of everything handed to him, regardless if he wants it or not.

He's grateful for the opportunities and future his parents have provided for him but sometimes it can get overwhelming. This would be time when he needs Jungkook to calm him down and let him know that he can take his time and go at his own pace. That he's there for him no matter what happens to his future. But now he's not here and Jimin doesn't know if he'll ever get that back.

The thought made him teary eyed and lose sight of his father standing right in front of him, until he heard his name being called.

"Jimin, I am talking to you. I would appreciate it if you would give me a minute out of your time to pay attention to what I'm telling you", the father stated in a tone that let Jimin know that he was bothered, an expression not present on his stoic face.

"Yes, sir. I apologize", Jimin bowed again to show his sorrow for disrespecting his father.

"It's alright, you seem tired, so I'll let it be. But one other thing before I go. We're going on a trip next weekend to visit your cousin in America. She's currently stationed in Nevada, so make sure you prepare your stay for the week"

Jimin nodded, not having a choice whether or not he would actually like to go.

"You may leave", the father granted and stepped past his son.

And Jimin did just that.

chapter nine- published: 06 - 09 - 2024

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