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another week later

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another week later

Another week has passed, making today the day that Jimin and his family are flying to America. A part of him is excited for the trip, he loves traveling outside of his country and the other part of him wants to cry in his bed because this week marks the second week of no contact with Jungkook and it was tearing him up.

He wants to know what's going on with the boy, if he's okay or even alive for that matter. They don't even have to speak, he would just want to see him breathing and well. He's spammed his phone with messages and voicemails stating how sorry he is and that if they could talk.

He stopped after a while, giving up on begging and decided that this is Jungkook's decision and he can't change that. It just hurts how something such as this can ruin a nineteen year friendship. A friendship he thought indestructible. He was wrong.

He has to grow and accept the fact that they will never be friends again and it's all his fault. Almost two decades of friendship gone.

A couple of warm tears escaped his eyes as his lips wobbled uncontrollably. He could feel himself get worked up again and he tried his best to fight against it. He doesn't want to cry, he shouldn't cry. Everything is his fault. He shouldn't be allowed to cry.

He bit his bottom lip and sucked in a tough breath to get himself under control. He used the back of his hand to wipe his tears and went back to packing the last few things he'll need for the trip.

When he was done with his packing, he took a look at the time on his wrist watch and saw that he still has an hour or two before him and his family need to be at the airport.

He sighed and felt his stomach make noise, signaling him to eat something. Jimin isn't necessarily a breakfast person but he could use a snack before they leave for a twelve through fourteen hour flight. He trudged out of his room in only a t-shirt and basketball shorts and heard chatter down on the first floor.

Without much thought he walked downstairs with his head down about to pass his parents when he heard a melodic laugh. A laugh that usually resembles music to his ears, one that can make his heart skip a beat every time.

His head shot in the direction and his eyes widened at what he saw. He saw his best friend sitting on the couch laughing with his parents as if he couldn't have a care in the world. His initial reaction should be happy, elated of some sort at seeing the person he's been longing for but he wasn't. He was nowhere near as happy as Jungkook seemed to be with his parents.

"Are you fucking kidding me", Jimin accidentally voiced out loud, catching the attention of everyone in the living room.

His parents stared at their son with displeasure at his sudden use of vulgar language. They're ones to think that cussing to anyone anywhere is disrespectful. They did not raise Jimin to use such language around them.

"Excuse me?", the father spoke in the same tone that demanded an apology from the ravenette.

Jimin recognized his mistake and bowed apologetically at his rude behavior.

"Sorry, sir", he muttered with his head down in shame.

The father nodded, accepting the apology but gave a warning look for his son to never repeat his actions. And Jimin proceeded with caution. He took a step back, getting ready to dash back up the staircase to get away from what he just walked into but heard himself be called back.

"Well, don't be rude. Your friend is here, don't you want to come join us?", his mother asked with more of a commanding tone rather than a suggestive one.

Friend. He's not too sure about that.

"Yes but may I ask why he's here? We're about to leave so..."

"Don't be silly, he's coming with us"

Jimin's jaw almost touched the floor. Jungkook is coming with them to America. What is happening? Just yesterday Jimin couldn't get the younger to answer the phone let alone attend a trip with him. This had to be some sort of cruel joke.

"Oh, he is?"

He averted his gaze upon the younger and saw him give a small smile as if he hadn't ignored his existence for two whole fucking weeks. Jimin could feel his heart beat quicken and it wasn't out of excitement, he was furious. It's not fair that he has been crying over them not speaking to one another because of one stupid night, while Jungkook looks perfectly fine laughing with his parents.

"I - uh - I need to - to pack a few more things first. May I be excused?", Jimin stuttered with his fists clenched to his side.

His parents nodded, dismissing their son and Jimin didn't hesitate to run back up to his room. He heard one of them get up and he assumed it was Jungkook to follow him but he was not in the mood to see him. He ran to his bedroom and locked the door behind him.

He could feel tears well up in his eyes again and this time it wasn't because he missed the other.

chapter eleven- published: 06 - 13 - 2024

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