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mature - slight sexual content

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mature - slight sexual content

The night managed to come and Jungkook was restless in the queen sized mattress. He laid in his own bed with his head limp on top of his pillow as his gaze situated on the chandelier.

He couldn't sleep for two reasons; one being the fact that he can't shake the feeling that something is being withheld from him by his best friend, and second being that he forgot his stuffed bunny at home.

It may seem childish but Jungkook truly can't sleep without that animal cuddled up with him. He's never not slept with it before, leaving tonight to be the first and there was no sleeping involved.

He first received the animal when he was nine years old by his father. It's the one thing he kept of anything that once belonged to him, it's the one thing he was allowed to keep. His mother hated the man and did everything to delete him from her life, she got rid of everything that seemed to be his.

Except for her son. The only thing she didn't toss away - well, not directly. Jungkook is a victim of negligence and has been ever since his father passed away. His mother hated the fact that she couldn't get rid of the one thing that reminded her of deceased husband, and has been disregarding Jungkook for as long as he can remember.

It angers him to know that he managed to leave his bunny behind. He feels as if he disrespected his father - his idol. It's been a few years since his father passed away from suicide, next March making it the seventh anniversary, but it doesn't make it any less hard for Jungkook when he leaves the one thing of him behind.

Jungkook sucked in a breath to release his frustration towards himself and turned on his side. As soon as he did so, he spotted his best friend sleeping with the blanket half off his body, exposing his bare back.

Jungkook licked his lips at the sight of a half-naked Jimin, already distracted from his previously depressed mood.

He could feel himself harden in his shorts at the sight of Jimin's blemish free skin, witnessing a single English word tattoo on his shoulder. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip at the thought biting him there, marking his body all over again.

His dick unwarrantably twitched in his shorts and he had an urge that was unbearable. It took ahold of him when he registered that he was standing over the next bed that Jimin was sleeping soundlessly on.

He stared down at the side of his best friend's face, eyes traveling to his lips. 'Those damn lips', Jungkook cussed to himself, having his breathing staggered at the idea of his own pressed against Jimin's once again. His shorts only tightened around him.

Jimin stirred in the bed at the subconscious feeling of being watched, flipping on his back, exposing more of himself.

Jungkook absentmindedly reached out a shaky hand, gliding his thumb alongside Jimin's lips. He hesitated at the top and applied more pressure on the bottom one. He heard Jimin groan at the gesture, slightly opening his mouth.

Jungkook flinched back at the action, scared that his best friend would wake up to him hovering over him like some creep, which he is at the moment.

'This is too fucking wrong', Jungkook voiced in his head and scurried over to their shared bathroom.

He cracked the door behind him and leaned his bare back against the wall. He shivered at the cold touch and shamefully guided his hand to his groin. He rubbed himself against the cloth to tease himself, making sure not to make too much noise.

Thoughts of that night flooded his mind and his mouth hung as he let out a hiss. He soon moved his hand inside his briefs, pulling his length out. He shivered once more at the air contact and gripped himself tightly, thumbing the slit.

He could feel his hand slick with pre-cum as he stroked himself slowly in a tortuous manner, imagining a particular ravenette's mouth around him.

He envisioned those pink, plump lips sliding down his shaft as his tongue did works unimaginable to him before. He could see the saliva drip from the boy's chin as he forces himself deeper in his mouth, having him choke on the pressure.

He imagined tears streaming down the sides of his plush cheeks as he fucks Jimin's face harder with each thrust. With every thrust sending him more and more on the edge as Jungkook could feel his buildup, already feeling the need to cum.

That's been his problem recently too, he cums too fast at the thought of his best friend. Something he's not used to doing, except when thinking about Jimin in a sensual manner.

And within seconds, Jungkook was huffing, quietly moaning the famous name of his best friend, biting down on his lip hard enough for it to sting as he released into the palm of his hand.

"This is so fucking wrong", Jungkook cried silently, sliding down the wall, taking the time to rest aside the toilet and rethink his life decisions.

chapter fourteen- published: 06 - 24- 2024

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