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    Jungkook had remembered the night clearly and it was mentally fucking with him

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    Jungkook had remembered the night clearly and it was mentally fucking with him. As soon as he woke up this morning and saw his naked body sprawled out against Jimin (who is also naked), he put two and two together quickly. He didn't waste time to get dressed and dash out the door, leaving his best friend alone in the bedroom.

He's aware that having sex and dipping is an asshole move, but he's sure Jimin will understand. The shorter was probably going wake with the same amount terror and confusion.

As he walked himself home, which was right across from Jimin's, the whole night came back in a flood. The memories came in went in a flash, startling him with every blink.

'What the fuck did I just do?', he mentally-whispered to himself as he fished for his house keys.

His hands were shaken as he fumbled the key through, unlocking the front door.

"Mom, I'm home!", Jungkook exclaimed, taking off his shoes, locking the door behind him.

He was about to head upstairs when he saw a man situated comfortably on his couch with his feet kicked up on the coffee table as if he owned the place.

"Who the fuck are you?", Jungkook asked with crossed arms as he approached the stranger.

The guy glanced away from the television, staring up at the tall blonde as if he hadn't heard him enter the house.

Jungkook glared down, already knowing who the man was and what his reason for being here was. And this was not what he needed at the moment. Another rich man that his mother was leeching onto to have their bills paid. Another cheater who's most definitely married to another with a kid or two, sleeping around with desperate women to stroke their fragile ego. That desperate woman being his mother.

It's disgusting and pathetic. Two adjectives he uses to describe the men his mother messes around with monthly and this one fits the description perfectly.

"I can ask you the same thing", the guy frowned at who he saw standing above him, not liking the boys disrespectful manner with him.

"The son of this house. You are?"

"Oh nice to finally meet you. My name is Song Dohyun. Your mom's boyfriend", the stranger introduced, holding up a greeting hand.

"You mean her bi-monthly donor", Jungkook mumbled with an eye roll.

"What was that?", the guy asked still holding up his hand for the kid to shake.

"Nothing. And get your fucking feet off our table"

Jungkook didn't take the handshake, not caring to and went to turn on his heel to head up to his room. He couldn't care less for introductions seeing as how the guy wasn't going to be here for long enough to last the year. He wishes he could say that he feels bad for the man - he doesn't, nowhere near. One thing about his mother is that she makes her intentions clear and those fools never seem to take her seriously.

In turn is their own fault. A phrase he tells himself a lot. Because that's the one thing him and his mother have in common besides their shared doe eyes. They both go through people like pairs of shirts. They both make their intentions clear with their partners and what they want out the relationship. The only difference is that Jungkook isn't a relationship guy, he's more of a weekly partner than a long term one.

He has sex with women making it known that he will never commit to them and when he's bored, he's done. His partners typically never last more than a week. He can't remember the last time he held up a long term relationship.

Nothing about Jungkook is long term, except for his love for electric guitars and his best friend, which now he's worried about. What will happen to their friendship after this? Best friends don't have a one night stand together and that's exactly what happened between them.

"Fuck me!", Jungkook grunted, tossing himself on top of his king-sized bed.

He ran a large hand over his face and stared up at the ceiling. He can't believe he willingly slept with his best friend. He even begged for it as if he hadn't had sex in years. He could understand if that was the case but it wasn't.

He doesn't understand what happened to him that night. He recalls dancing in the club, one of his so-called 'friends' bumped into him, knocking over his drink, offering his own to drink and then it went down hill from there. His body started acting up as soon as he stepped outside of the club. Maybe he had a faulty drink.

He has no idea and wants answers because there is no way he fucked his best friend just because he was that damn horny. He's never felt that hot and bothered (literally) in his life. How the actual fuck is he going to explain this as a straight man?

chapter seven - published: 06 - 05 - 2024

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