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    A loud alarm announced at the crack ass of dawn

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    A loud alarm announced at the crack ass of dawn. Knowing who it belongs to, Jungkook wanted roundhouse kick the ravenette in the face for waking up so early in the morning for no apparent reason. He can understand when they were still in school, the other needed to keep up his perfect attendance but this is ridiculous - they're on vacation!

Jungkook cried silently at the annoying screeching noise that sounded from the iPhone from the other side of the room, having the urge to throw his pillow with so much force that it takes the head off his best friend. But instead he used the pillow to cover his face, tempted to suffocate himself in order to get more sleep.

Last night, Jungkook went to bed a few hours before the alarm. He only slept a decent three to four hours. What he did last night in the bathroom kept him up all night.

It wasn't as if this was Jungkook's first time secretly jerking off to his best friend - it was just the first time he did it with a boy in the same room as him, that same boy being the one he's thinking lewd about. He got scared, trapping himself in the bathroom for hours until he couldn't bear it anymore.

He was terrified to see if Jimin had heard him or not. His paranoia was at its peak when he thought he heard someone rustle outside the door. Good thing he stayed in the bathroom because he could've swore he was about to shit himself.

He stayed in the bathroom until he thought it was safe enough to exit. He witnessed Jimin sprawled out in the bed per usual as if what he heard outside the door was his pure imagination.

He prays that it was. That would result in a talk he's not ready for. One that he'll never be ready for.

He wouldn't know how to tell his best friend that he may be gay for him. He's still trying to wrap his head around the absurd notion. He straight just not when it comes to Jimin, his best friend, someone who he believed to be his brother - he can't say that last one anymore.

"It's time to wake up, dipshit", Jimin voiced, turning off his alarm.

Jungkook groaned into the pillow, deciding that he will get more rest. He refuses to wake up in this instant and is ready to will himself back to sleep.

"C'mon, it's time to get up"

"Leave me alone"

"Get up so we can workout"

Jungkook groaned again, signaling his reluctance. He was not about to get up this early in the morning to workout. He is not a morning person. He will choose to do his routine in the afternoon when he does wake up. The taller is a night owl which resorts to him being a heavy sleeper. He can sleep for a whole day if he tried and he has attempted to do so.

"I said get up", Jimin scowled, smacking a fist into blonde's stomach.

Jungkook's eyes shot open as he let out a huff that followed behind a cough. His eyes watered from more so shock at the sudden impact, not exactly feeling pain behind the hit and within seconds the pillow was stolen from his face.

He glared up at a shirtless Jimin, subconsciously glancing at the tattoo on his shoulder that he couldn't stop thinking about last night. He blinked away the reoccurring thoughts, preventing himself from getting another hard on in the morning and refocused his attention to Jimin's unimpressed facial expression.

"You hit like a bitch", Jungkook insulted wholeheartedly bothered by the fact that his sleep was disrupted.

"Says you with the tears streaming down your face", Jimin remarked with crossed arms.

Jungkook subconsciously touched his cheeks to wipe the invisible tears, feeling nothing on his hands.

"There are no tears, jackass!"

"But you had to check to make sure", Jimin laughed, moving past Jungkook's bed to head over to the closet to pick out an outfit.

Jungkook glared at his best friend, watching him as he walked away with the last word. He hated the fact that he was left speechless by the simple fact that he noticed how nicely plump Jimin's butt looked through his basketball shorts. He was distracted by how rounded it looked in shorts so loose.

He reminisced about the club night when he was inside his best friend, watching how his ass bounced at his harsh movements. He could remember how pornographic it seemed to have Jimin wrapped around him as his ass squelched at every single thrust.

He licked his lips, envisioning what it would have been like to have a taste of that ass and what lustrous sounds Jimin would make while he—

"Dude, I'm not fucking around. Get up", Jimin withdrew Jungkook from his obscene ideas about him, tossing over his clothes that he picked out for him.

Jungkook frowned as a pile of clothes landed on his face. He knows that if he doesn't get up now, Jimin will physically force him out of bed. Not that Jimin is relatively stronger than the taller, it's just Jungkook is worried that his thoughts will continue to get the best of him and he'll do something he'll regret... again.

chapter fifteen- published: 06 - 28- 2024

SYNCLES - ha-ha, what do you think about Jungkook and his horniness for Jimin? thank you for reading my story! Please vote and comment. Every opinion matters to me! Thank you!

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