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SYNCLES - I lied this chapter doesn't have mature content, but the one after this one does. :)

mature - slight sexual content ( in the fourth paragraph)

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mature - slight sexual content ( in the fourth paragraph)

Jungkook's mind was fogged, leading him to understand that he was indeed nowhere near sober, but something else felt wrong with him and his body. His whole being felt as if it was being burned from the inside out and it made him uncomfortable.

It was some time after the club when he felt his body warm up slowly, it wasn't until Jimin had helped them inside the room onto the bed when he felt the heat turn into a burning sensation.

Initially, he thought it was the typical warm feeling that happens when one drinks too much and that it would eventually subside. The sensation only seemed to get worse over the minutes that went by. The feeling converted into something unfamiliar within him. He felt hormonal. Horny.

He hadn't even acknowledged his tattooed hand traveling down in between his legs or that he stroked himself underneath his black briefs, leaking pre-cum as he did so at the simplest touch. That he craved more than just his hand. He craved a body - anybody. It wasn't until the light flickered on and he heard his best friend yell out his name.

"Jungkook, what the fuck are you doing!", Jimin exclaimed, nudging the younger to stop the shameless act.

The blonde groaned and opened his eyes, his vision still not centered. All he saw was blobs of nothings of the bedroom they were situated in. He fluttered his eyes to focus his vision more and zoned in on the shorter next to him.

Jimin looked different to Jungkook in this moment. He looked gorgeous, attractive and most importantly, lustrous. He never felt such temptation for another person before, especially a man at that. He doesn't know where these sudden thoughts are coming from and why they're happening, but all he could focus on was the shorter's lips.

"Oh fuck, his lips". Those plump, pale pink lips that he wants nipped in between his teeth.

"Jimin", Jungkook breathed out in a sultry tone, forgetting the honorific behind the name.

Jimin stared back and waited for Jungkook to finish his sentence and to explain what was happening. He was beyond confused and uncomfortable with the whole situation. He did just witness his friend jerking himself off in his bed without care.

They're close but not that close.

Jungkook couldn't explain anything, he could only convey his need to have himself stuck in between the legs of his best friend. He expressed this by grabbing Jimin by grabbing his shoulders, maneuvering himself on top of him in one swift motion.

"Dude, what are y—"

"I don't know what going on", Jungkook admitted as he hovered over a the smaller.

"Neither do I, please get the fuck off!", Jimin snapped and squirmed underneath Jungkook's firm grip on his shoulders.

The angle they were in was making him feel... things. Little does he know, Jungkook was feeling much more. Everything was a turn on to him. Jimin half naked in an oversized shirt that he's positive he used to own, considering how big it was on the smaller. His exposed slender, pale legs that were slightly propped up behind his back. His blemish free face that Jungkook's always been envious of that currently obtains the most kissable lips known.

Jungkook's eyes managed to linger on the boy's lips once again. It couldn't be helped. He needed to kiss him, right here in this moment.

"Jungkook you're freaking me out, move before I beat the shit out of you"

"Can I kiss you?", Jungkook asked - or more like pleaded, ignoring the statement before, surprising himself and Jimin.

"What - uh - I - what?", Jimin blubbered, fluttering his lashes in confusion. "Are you on drugs? Are you on coke?"

Jungkook contemplated that question, considering that possibility. He could be on drugs from what he's been experiencing. He feels dizzy, delirious and exceptionally horny, but that can be a regular Tuesday for him with or without hard drugs.

"I don't know"


"It's true! I don't remember snorting anything...", Jungkook thought to himself, finding it hard to recall the night he just had. He can barely comprehend what's happening now.

"Dude, this isn't funny. If you're pulling a prank on me then...", Jimin trailed off into a pout.

Jungkook saw the look of fear etched into Jimin's eyes at his sudden confession about wanting to kiss him. As soon as the question was brought up, Jimin's whole demeanor changed. The glint in his eyes came and went in the matter of seconds.

"I'm not fucking with you. Like I said, I don't know what's going on but all I know is that I have the deepest desire to kiss you", Jungkook confessed shamelessly, letting Jimin know that he was serious and that not a single word coming out of his mouth was a lie.

"But...", Jimin hesitated. "I know you have to be messing with me because —"

Jungkook let out a grunt and grabbed a hold of the older's face, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss upon his lips. He did it to prove that he wasn't lying and allowed his lips to linger on Jimin's. The kiss was simple with just two lips in contact, nothing sensual about it, but to Jungkook it felt like the opposite. The feeling wasn't simple at all and it took everything in his willingness to pull away.

Jungkook pried his eyes from Jimin's mouth to check how he feels. But Jimin's eyes were closed, leaving Jungkook with an inconclusive answer. He gulped nervously, regretting what he did. He wanted to reassure the shorter but only seemed to ruin up the situation.

"Bro, I'm - I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that", Jungkook apologized frantically, feeling horrible for what he just did until he heard Jimin confirm.

"Kiss me again"

chapter five - published: 05 - 27 - 2024

SYNCLES - hope you enjoy. I promise the next chapter will have mature content! Vote and Comment your opinions please and thank you.

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