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     The two teenagers panted as they reached their last lap of their workout, standing a few feet from the hotel they were originally situated in

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     The two teenagers panted as they reached their last lap of their workout, standing a few feet from the hotel they were originally situated in. Jimin smiled to himself at his increased stamina when it came to his exercise. He could feel himself growing more and more accustomed to the harsh training, unlike a particular shaggy blonde behind him.

Jimin chuckled, taking a glance behind him to see his best friend huffing as he bent over to rest himself on his knees. The taller looked like he was seconds away from coughing up a lung and Jimin couldn't help but smile in amusement.

Jungkook is typically the one surpassing Jimin when it came to physical ability, but this time Jimin had the upper hand. He wasn't nearly as exhausted as Jungkook seemed to be, he could even run another mile if he really needed to. Jungkook wouldn't last half of one in this state and Jimin was feeling an ego boost.

"You okay there?", Jimin asked teasingly, removing the exhaustion from his voice to piss the boy off.

Without a word, Jungkook responded with his middle finger. The only response he could muster with his breath caught in his throat. He could barely breathe due to the strenuous workout. He thought it would never end when they did their fiftieth lap. He can't fathom doing it again or how Jimin does it daily.

Jimin sighed and stepped over to his friend, lifting him up by his arm. He wrapped it around his shoulder, attempting to help the boy stand upright. It helped for the most part, he just hates it when Jungkook leans his whole body weight on him as if he didn't just workout too. It doesn't help that he's tall and muscular and weighs two times as much as the shorter.

As the two walked - or more like Jimin dragged the both of them the rest of the walk to the hotel, he decided to ask the question he's been dying to know the answer to.

"So what made you come on this trip?", Jimin brought up, feeling the need to have it answered. "Since you know, you were ignoring me and all..."

Jungkook blinked at the remembrance and shrugged, not having a real reason to give.

"Dunno, your mom called telling me to have my things packed by next week because of some trip and I thought 'why not'?", the taller answered truthfully.

Jimin frowned, seeing how he was right - Jungkook hadn't missed him and this confirmed it. He just came just to come, not because he missed him as much as he did for the other. Jungkook doesn't hold much value in him as he thought this whole time as they've been friends.

"Ah, I see...", Jimin said, leaving it as that to not further his hurt.

Jungkook glanced down at his friend, feeling the energy to be off so he continued, "Not to mention, the obvious fact that I wanted to talk to you again"

Jimin cleared his throat at the statement as his heart picked up its pace.

"Oh, yeah?"

Jungkook scoffed, "Of course, you're my best friend. I know me not answering for two weeks disproved that but I truly just needed time to think and I'm still sorry about that. Believe it or not, you're my favorite friend"

Jimin laughed at the last comment. "Aren't I your only real friend?"

"Yes, which makes you my favorite, duh", Jungkook teased, earning a hearty laugh. He smiled at the sound.

"You're so dumb, that's not how it works. If I'm your only actual friend, I have to be your favorite by default"

The taller rolled his eyes and countered with, "Fine, then you're my favorite person. I'm surrounded by people, so it counts. Better?"

Jimin almost tripped on his two feet, almost tripping over the both of them at what he heard. He could feel his face heat up at the two words. Favorite person. He's officially his crush's favorite person.

He's aware that Jungkook didn't mean much by it but to him it meant everything. It means that he does hold some greater value than he had proposed he did to his best friend and hopes that it continues to stay that way, even with their complicated acts.

chapter sixteen - published: 07 - 01- 2024

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