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mature - sexual content (smut)

    Jungkook didn't waste another second once the permission was given. He bent down, connecting their lips once more, this time taking advantage of the opportunity.

His lips pressed against Jimin's and moved along them slowly, having the older get used to feel of their mouths together. As soon as the taller felt Jimin return the motion, he didn't hesitate to open their mouths, sliding his tongue inside.

A low grunt sounded through Jungkook's throat as he massaged their tongues, having his roam the warm mouth he's never experienced before. He felt himself grow stiff in his briefs and maneuvered his lower half in between Jimin's legs, pressing his hips downward.

He heard an exaggerated gasp at the gesture, feeling his Jimin lift his hips to reciprocate the action. This made the blonde kiss his best friend harder than before. The kiss becoming eager with wet, strained breaths filling the atmosphere. Their kiss that started off gentle and almost sweet, quickly converted into something more pornographic.

Jungkook tugged and sucked on Jimin's lips, not getting enough of them. But he still wasn't satisfied. He needed more of Jimin than just his luscious lips. He acted on this urge and disconnected their kiss to travel his mouth to other sensitive places.

From past experiences, Jungkook knew how to receive the reactions he desired from his partners. Too bad that they were all women and that he's practicing the techniques on a boy for the first time. He wondered if his best friend would make the same obscene noises as the women he's been with, and went to test it out.

He first guided his lips gently across the shorter's jaw, leaving butterfly kisses along his milky skin. He could feel Jimin squirm at the slightest touch, which stroked Jungkook's ego. He enjoyed that he could receive the same reaction from both men and women.

He made his way down the other's jaw, scattering his kisses along Jimin's collarbone to the crook of his neck.

"Wait - what - what are you..."

Jungkook disregarded the question and licked the virgin area, biting down to break the blood vessels.

"A-Ah, mmph...", Jimin involuntarily let out a broken moan at the sudden act.

The sound sent goosebumps along Jungkook's fair skin, not knowing that Jimin's voice could reach such high octaves. He's heard resembling moans from women and did not expect Jimin to replicate them perfectly. Although, he will say that Jimin's moan made his dick the most aroused.

Jimin's beautiful voice is what encouraged Jungkook to continue what he was doing, marking up his best friend all over his neck. He soon acknowledged that Jimin is sensitive in most areas of his body as if he hasn't been touched by single soul. But Jungkook swore that Jimin has been with many people before, they used to bond over it.

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