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      Not another wink was slept the night before once again, so having to be awake by 5:30 AM when the sun rose was not an issue for Jungkook

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Not another wink was slept the night before once again, so having to be awake by 5:30 AM when the sun rose was not an issue for Jungkook. His eyes were already opened and glued to the ceiling when he heard the alarm go off thirty minutes later, signaling that the day has begun.

He sighed, lifting himself up out of bed, feeling the air give him goosebumps. He groaned inwardly, running a warm hand down his face at the recollection of his promise. He promised that he would be up to working out with Jimin again. Why did he agree to do such a thing?

'Because I'm a good friend' Jungkook told himself to make himself feel better about the decision.

He stretched his body and stared over at his friend, who did the same as him. They both made eye contact and gave each other morning smiles.

"I didn't think you would actually be up", Jimin said, standing up to start the day. "Did you not sleep again yesterday?"

Jungkook shrugged, not seeing the big deal. He's dealt with this problem before when he was immensely stressed out when he was younger. This is nothing compared to other nights when he couldn't sleep for weeks at a time. His sleeping patterns have improved, it's just this time he doesn't have his stuffed animal with him.

"Not a big deal", he muttered, standing up to follow behind the smaller.

Jimin frowned and shook his head, stepping up to Jungkook and grabbed a hold of his face. He inspected the younger - his frown deepening at what he observed.

Jungkook felt his breath get caught in his throat at what was happening. With their close proximity and Jimin's cold hands caressing his cheeks, he felt nervous. His stomach ached as he watched Jimin's lips curve upside down and his crescent eyes met his doe ones.

Jungkook's eyes subconsciously fluttered as his heart skipped a beat. He had no clue what was going on with him and why he was feeling sweaty just by staring into his best friend's eyes. It's worse that he can't look away and the more he stared, the more he wanted to kiss him.

His eyes averted lower, focusing on the pale lips he wanted his to come in contact with. The need to pin the boy down and kiss him was overwhelming. He wanted to speak to tell the shorter to give him some space and that this was making him uncomfortable, but his mouth wouldn't let him form a coherent sentence, all that came out was—

"I-I... J-Jimin"

This triggered Jimin to snap back into reality and pull himself away. He cleared his throat, taking a step back, turning around to hide his cherry face.

"Uh - we should - uh - get dressed. Or maybe you should stay here and get some rest", Jimin stammered, running over to the closet to look for his workout clothes.

"Yeah, no, it's alright. I'm fine. I'm gonna go wash up and brush my teeth"

Jungkook rushed to the bathroom, locking the door behind himself.

That was awkward. What happened? Did something happen between them or was it only Jungkook? There was tension and the taller could feel it - so could his dick apparently. The teen glanced down, cussing at the expected boner that was currently throbbing in his briefs.

"Fuck me...", Jungkook whined quietly, praying that Jimin hadn't witnessed him get a hard on from looking at his face.

"I'm too sober for this shit"


After the semi-awkward morning workout, Jungkook chose to head downstairs to have a smoke, while Jimin decided to take a quick shower. He said he'll meet him outside to smoke with him when he's finished and Jungkook silently hoped he wouldn't. He needed to be by himself for a few minutes to get his head on straight.

The blonde was leaned against a decorative wall as he inhaled toxins in his lungs. He smoked in silence, watching the residents of the hotel pass him, some giving him a polite smile and nod, while others tried to strike up a conversation. Fortunately for him, Jungkook's accent was thick, so he would just say something in broken English, stating he can't speak the language well to avoid a chat.

He doesn't understand why Americans are so friendly with one another. In Korea, Jungkook wouldn't have to worry about a stranger striking up a conversation with him on the street. Koreans have a traditional attitude to mind their own business, unlike people here in America. That's what Jungkook observed every time he came to this country.

Jungkook actually wasn't terrible at English and understands more than the average person in his country. He knows how to order for himself and get around town if he wanted. There are places he avoids wandering to alone, like ones with too many directional signs that he's unable to understand correctly. He's afraid to get lost in a crowded state such as Nevada, the one he's in.

Jimin is the one who is basically fluent in English. He has to be since his parents want him to do international studies, he had to learn fluency in the American language. He even has a bit of knowledge in Spanish as well.

Jungkook has always been jealous of his friend when it comes to his memorization skills and overall intelligence.

Jimin has been a straight A student without much effort. Knowledge came easy for him and he could recite most of what he learned back on paper, making him excel academically.

Jungkook couldn't pass a test even if he studied a week before. The information would never engrave itself long enough in his brain for him to remember. It's like he had short term memory loss or something of the sort. It had always frustrated him when he had gotten into high school, where work became a prominent part in his life.

Overtime he lost interest in caring about his grades and what test was what, and what career he wanted. He couldn't bring himself to care about much when high school started. He lost interest in school and in people in general, including himself. The main reasons as to why he couldn't care less to make genuine connections with other people besides Jimin.

He couldn't care less about getting a girlfriend or having another friend that he hasn't gained benefits from. He couldn't care less about life itself and the commitments that came with it.

He only cared about the thrill of what was around him. Things like sex and getting blacked out drunk. Going out way past midnight to get fucked up and have the time of his life, not caring about what was to be dealt with in the morning.

He had lost care for almost everything and everyone, except Jimin. He can't pinpoint when he began to develop this numbness to the world around him, all he knows is that it happened when he was younger. Everything dimmed. Nothing was consistent in life and he was fine with it that way - well, he believes he is, he's not too sure but he can't bring himself to care for the truth.

One other truth he believes to not understand is his current feelings for his best friend. A truth he couldn't care less to know about either.

chapter nineteen - published: 07 - 09 - 2024

SYNCLES - Jungkookie :( this chapter was longer than in thought it to be. I hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment. Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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