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mature - slight sexual content

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mature - slight sexual content

"Damn!", Jimin grunted, tossing a limp blonde onto the bed in his bedroom.

It came to a shock to him that he managed to heave his friend up the spiral staircase of his house, which is the only way for him to get upstairs to his room. He curses his parents for not giving him the downstairs room because they wanted the guest room to be convenient for visitors.

He never understood that reason. Nobody ever visited them except family members on Christmas and Jungkook, and the taller was nowhere near a guest. He's been around long enough to be considered a permanent resident. The tall blonde practically lives with Jimin.

Jimin brushed his dark locks with his hands, pushing back his overgrown bangs. He could use a haircut but he'll worry about that another time. What he should be focused on is getting Jungkook out of his clothes. The soon to be hardest part of tonight.

He stumbled to the side of his room to his closest, still feeling drunk. His vision was blurred and his head felt heavy. It took everything in him not to pass out on the wood floors.

He ransacked his closet, picking out an extra large black t-shirt, not finding pants big enough for Jungkook. That's not a huge problem since he knows that the younger typically sleeps naked.

He tripped over to his bed with the shirt in hand, placing it down on the mattress. He sighed, grabbing a hold of the sweater to lift it above the taller's head.

He lifted the cloth half way up when he heard Jungkook groan.

"Mmh...". Jimin paused at the sudden sound. "I'm h-hot..."

"I bet you are with this sweater on", Jimin joked. "Sit up so I can take this off of you properly", Jimin instructed, watching the younger do as told.

Once he pulled the sweater over Jungkook's head, having his half-up ponytail ruffled, Jimin's eyes instinctively traveled lower. Crescent eyes landing on structured abs that Jimin always found envious of and attracted to at the same time.

Jimin has always wandered what it would be like to caress them - to lick them. He would do anything to have a taste of the handsome man in front of him. His staring was interrupted.

"H-Hyung", Jungkook called out, breaking the smaller out of his trance.

Jimin blinked up at him expectantly. "Yes?"

"I'm - I feel hot...", Jungkook breathed out, opening his eyes halfway.

Jimin stared in confusion. "With your sweater off? Are you running a fever?", he asked, placing a cold hand on Jungkook's forehead. He felt warm, but nothing out of the ordinary.

"Here, lay down", Jimin suggested, leaning the younger back against the body-adjustable mattress.

Jungkook laid on his side as Jimin went to take off the younger's pants, leaving him in his underwear only. He grabbed a thin fluffy blanket from the edge of the bed and placed it over the half-naked body.

He went to take off his own clothes, he decided to put the t-shirt meant for Jungkook on himself inside, which left him in an oversized shirt and underwear. He went to lay beside the younger, making room for himself on the bed. The two laid close to one another to where their warmth could be shared. This wasn't unusual as it may seem to some, the two have slept together before.

Jimin turned off the lights in his room, having the two of them engulfed by darkness.

Silence overtook them and Jimin was about to start drifting off when he heard wrestling. He laid still, patiently waiting for his friend to stop squirming in the bed but he never did and the movements became an annoyance. The ravenette blinked with concern at the sudden disturbance and turned on the lights in the room.

As soon as the room was illuminated and Jimin's eyes regained focus, he saw something he wishes he could unsee.

"Bro, are you —"

Jimin's eyes widened at what he was forced to witness. He saw his best friend, eyes closed with his hand placed inside his boxer briefs. He watched the other stroke himself slowly underneath the cloth with light beads of sweat trickled down his forehead as hushed moans escaped his parted lips.

Jimin blinked unable to believe what the hell he just opened his eyes to.

"What the actual fuck"

chapter four - published: 05 - 24 - 2024

SYNCLES - hope you enjoy. The next chapter will have mature content! So please beware of that with the next update. Vote and Comment your opinions please and thank you.

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