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    A swirl of smoke left his lips as he sat with himself on the porch of a small country home

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A swirl of smoke left his lips as he sat with himself on the porch of a small country home. He was staying with a friend for a short time, so he could think to himself about everything going on with him. Whenever the blonde was stressed with something, he would run over to Jimin and stay at his house for as long as needed to mentally resolve whatever issue it was.

But now, he's unable to do so - well, not unable more like he chooses not to be there. He's avoiding his best friend. The issue is about Jimin, so why would he be around him? It would just worsen the problem. He just hopes that Jimin is holding up okay, he would like to check up on him, he just can't bring himself to do so yet.

So with that he's staying at another friend's house, or more like "friend's" house. Jungkook isn't really friends with the people around him, he couldn't care less to be. If they provided him with a benefit he would consider them a friend, even though he doesn't actually view them as one.

Is that a messed up thing to do? Absolutely. Does he care if it is in the slightest? Absolutely not. The only friend he genuinely cares for is Jimin and he's fine with that. They grew up together, of course they would have a real bond with one another.

But enough with the topic of Jimin, he was trying his hardest to get over the whole 'finding his male best friend sexually attractive' situation. Every time he closes his eyes he pictures a naked, lustrous Jimin and hears his obscene noises. He can't get them to stop flooding his thoughts.

Even thinking about it now is making him grow stiff in his pants. 'Fuck', Jungkook grunted mentally and stared down at the bulge in his shorts.

'Here we go again'. The amount of times the blonde has masturbated to his best friend is unbelievably insane. It's unhealthy the amount of times in one night he can get off to one memory of Jimin.

It disgusts him every time.

He rolled his eyes and focused his mind on the cigarette he was smoking. One of the things that can somewhat distract him from his homosexual desires.

"Hey there, I thought you left", his friend stated stepping out on to the porch with only a bra and panties.

Anyone can put together what benefits he receives from this friend. This "friend" was someone he would occasionally hookup with when pent up. Nothing more came from them, except now with a place to stay for a few days. He's been sleeping with the girl for the past week, trying to figure himself out and it just left him more confused.

He glanced up at the short haired girl who stood at a tall height of 5'7, almost reaching his own height. Her slim body was well proportioned with a nice rack matching her backside. Just looking at her could make Jungkook drool and he still had great sex with the woman, so what was wrong with him?

How could he still like having sex with women and still think of Jimin in a sexual manner as well. Would this make him Bisexual? Pansexual? Or whatever else was after. Jungkook wasn't educated on the concept of LGBTQ+ and doesn't want to be. He was fine identifying with straight and still is. One man can't change his orientation. That's not how it works.

If he finds Jimin sexually attractive, shouldn't he find every boy attractive as well? He doesn't. He's never looked at a guy and went I would like to stick my dick in that ass. The most he's ever said was "what a handsome guy" nothing more. His mind never wondered not once.

Well, except for that one time with Jimin when they were younger and they shared a small kiss under the fort in his house. But they were children and didn't know what kissing even meant. All he can remember from that is wanting to try something he's seen on YouTube. He remembers stumbling on a video of two people kissing, a man and a woman, and thought why not try it on his best friend.

At the time he couldn't differentiate the video of a straight couple kissing versus him and his boy best friend kissing. It was out of pure curiosity and he didn't feel much about it, so did Jimin. They both laughed and brushed it off, thinking kissing was weird at the time.

That's the only time he could think of with wanting to kiss the same sex and he was around six or seven at the time. He could barely remember it correctly.

So why now - why is he feeling sexual things for his best friend now and not when they were younger? People say they know when they come out the womb and for Jungkook he knew he was straight... not this... he doesn't even know what this is. It was boggling his brain day by day. He doesn't know what to do.

"Are you okay?", the girl asked, placing a comforting hand on Jungkook's bare back. "Your mind seems to be elsewhere"

Jungkook frowned, he hadn't noticed the girl had sat next to him. He took a hit from his cigarette and glanced over at the girl and took in her beautiful features. He could use another distraction and was up for a morning round. Without a word, he smashed his lips to hers and began making out with her, making his intentions known.

She gladly accepted it and both of them went back inside the house to give Jungkook the distraction he desperately needed.

chapter ten- published: 06 - 10 - 2024

SYNCLES - what do you think about Jungkook and his dilemma? Let me know what you think and please vote and comment as you read on to let me know how I'm doing. Thank you!

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