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      "I'm hungry", Jungkook announced in the room as he walked out of the bathroom shirtless with black sweats hung low on his waist

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      "I'm hungry", Jungkook announced in the room as he walked out of the bathroom shirtless with black sweats hung low on his waist.

Jimin's breath got caught in his throat at the stunning view that he should be used to seeing by now and never is. He gulped, staring at the sculpted body he can swear on his own life was made by a true god.

Jungkook had a handsome, charming yet intimidating glow about him. It could be the muscles that seemed hand crafted along with his tattoos splattered along his fair, sun-kissed skin. Not to mention, the piercings that no one else would dare to get in their country.

Jimin sighed, taking in the person he was so opposite of.

The other was tall almost reaching a height of six foot, while he stood at an average height that barely touched five-eight on a good day. Jungkook is built, having a lean body to support him while being athletically inclined, unlike Jimin who has always been inept in every sport of any kind. He grew up a chubby kid, leaving him to not be as accomplished physically.

Jimin only recently had lost the weight - or baby fat as Jungkook enjoys calling it - and has gained the confidence in himself. But even that goes unmatched. Jimin's self esteem goes unparalleled to the taller. While they were middle school through half of high school, due to his stout appearance, Jimin was teased occasionally by his fellow classmates; Jungkook on the other hand, was known as the golden boy.

Every where he went, people praised the floor he walked on. Men and women would gawk at the boy as the both of them traveled down to hall to get to their shared classes. Jimin would step in the shadows as Jungkook lit up the room. Even Jimin himself became victim to the charm.

Jimin could remember the time where he used to feel sort of envious of the man before him, but soon learned that he wasn't jealous at all, he was simply besotted. He admired the tall blonde for his entire being. There is nothing about Jungkook that Jimin could feel anger for, he could only feel a sense of 'awe'.

This is one of those times where Jimin can't bring himself to not stare for a second too long at his best friend. A person he finds to be beyond the national beauty standard of their time.

Jimin's face heated as he watched the water that dripped from long, dark rooted blonde locks down to structured abs. His eyes wandered subconsciously, landing on the prominent v-line. He smacked himself for wishing there were no clothes to prohibit his gaze from furthering.

"Uh - yeah - uh, what do you want to eat?", Jimin asked, breaking away from the view as Jungkook averted his eyes to him.

Jungkook thought a for a second before answering with "Pizza?".

Jimin scrunched up his face at the mention of the greasy food. Pizza is definitely not on the top of his list. Jimin isn't a fan of junk food, especially food dipped in grease.

"Oh c'mon, American pizza is so good. Much better than ours back home", Jungkook whined as his eyes sparkled at the thought of greasy goodness.

"You say that about every American dish"

"Because it's true", Jungkook defended.

"I wholeheartedly disagree with that statement", Jimin said, finding American food to be rather overly fattening. "Are you sure you don't want to go out and eat? I can book us a quick seat in a restaurant"

Jimin rather go to a restaurant where they both can pick what meal to enjoy. Jimin isn't a fan of fast food and rather eat in a more sophisticated area. Maybe it's due to him growing up with money and whatnot, but he truly enjoys sitting in a nice polished place to eat his food. It's what he's used to. His family isn't a fan of fast food or "lower class food" as they like to call it.

Jungkook couldn't care less about that and prefers fast food any day. His family is different from Jimin's by far. Jungkook initially grew up with money because his father was the breadwinner. Now, he was never as rich as Jimin but at some point they both were well off, until the incident. After his father passed, his family lost every penny.

"No, gross - plus, I'm tired as fuck and I don't feel like going out tonight", Jungkook frowned and that's when Jimin noticed something else present with his friend.

Jimin's stomach churned at the dimmed smile and bagged eyes. He had acknowledged his fatigue this morning but had bypassed it as the boy being dramatic per usual. Jungkook looked exhausted as if he hadn't slept the entire night before.

How can Jimin say no when his best friend looks like that?

"Fine. Pick a place and give them a call for delivery", Jimin caved in, feeling horrible disregarding his friend's exhaustion earlier.

Jungkook beamed and tackled his friend on the bed with a bear hug. A gesture that is done when Jimin lets the boy have his way, which happens more often than he would like.

Jimin grunted as a heavy body collided into him, sending him backwards with Jungkook on top of him. Usually this would piss the ravenette off since he's not really into physical touch, but since it was his crush doing so - shirtless, he may add - he'll let it slide once and embrace the time.

He could feel his heart beat pound in his chest and could've sworn Jungkook's was mimicking his. But that was definitely his hopeful imagination deluding him.

"Can I get every topping I want this time?", Jungkook asked in an innocent tone that he knows Jimin won't deny.

"I guess...", Jimin grumbled, despising how weak he is when it comes to his friend.

"You're the best!", Jungkook cheered and got off his friend, running to go get his phone to order the food.

"Uh-huh", Jimin frowned as he laid still on the bed, missing the warmth of the taller.

It reminded him of how warm he felt when they shared that intimate time together in his room after the club. He wonders if Jungkook ever thinks about the time they shared as much as he did, and if they'll ever have another intimate moment together.

"I'm going to order the biggest and greasiest pizza ever known to mankind!", Jungkook exclaimed excitedly.

Jimin grimaced.


chapter seventeen - published: 07 - 04 - 2024

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