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   "Dude, why are you so heavy?", Jimin grunted as he tried his best to hold up his severely intoxicated friend

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"Dude, why are you so heavy?", Jimin grunted as he tried his best to hold up his severely intoxicated friend.

He waddled with Jungkook's weight practically weighing him down to where he was seconds from collapsing on the open street. Good thing there were no cars around to hit them, not like the two would care if one was oncoming. They're both too drunk to comprehend the situation.

"I'm not heavy... you're just weak", Jungkook slurred, leaning more against Jimin's body. "You need to work out - skin and bone", the taller remarked and Jimin frowned, wanting to push the other away from him.

Jimin was sensitive about certain comments pertaining to his body, especially weight. He's been told before when he was young that he was too chunky, too chubby, too fat. He's been trying to lose weight and he has been, considering the recent comments he receives, but still is self-conscious about it.

Jungkook is aware of this and Jimin knows that the younger means nothing behind it. He knows Jungkook isn't one to bash him for his appearance (not in a serious manner) but at times Jimin can't help to get reminded of his insecurities.

He shook off the comment.

"I'm hungry~", Jungkook whined in Jimin's ear annoyingly.

Jimin groaned, trying his best to keep walking with the hundred-something pound human on his back. He was not in the mood to try to look for a place for them to eat, he needed to get the both of them home. Fortunately for him, his house isn't too far from where they were.

"Too bad", Jimin retorted. "There's no restaurant open"

"You don't know that". Jungkook frowned.

"Look around you dumbass"

Jungkook did just that, lifting himself to stand up tall to glance around the area. Jimin was right, there was practically no place open.

"See?", Jimin said, waving his hand around. "C'mon let's get going". He made grabby hands towards Jungkook, taking ahold of his wrist.

He forcefully grabbed the younger, pulling him behind him. It was easier to drag him along than to carry him, until he heard the other speak up again.

"Wait! Look there's a place open!"

Jimin faced where Jungkook was pointing and saw a small, lit up convenience store down the block. "You've got to be shitting me", Jimin grumbled to himself, not wanting to go through more trouble to get them to the store.

"Jungkook, let's just go home and eat. I bet you don't even have money on you"

Jimin knows for a fact that the taller doesn't have a singular dollar in his pocket, considering he was the one paying for both of their drinks the whole night. Not that he minds, he's used to paying for their things. He's fairly well-off, so it doesn't hurt his pockets.

"Who says we're paying?", Jungkook smirked as they almost approached the store.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "You know I wasn't serious about you getting arrested, right? That was supposed to be a joke"

Jungkook returned the eye roll. "Don't be a pussy", he nudged Jimin's shoulders encouragingly.

Jimin huffed, knowing that it's a dumb idea for them to try to rob a convenience store in the middle of the night where cops could be lurking around - but who was he to back down from a challenge? He's no pussy. And if they get arrested, he can easily bail them out without an issue. Not to mention, he was pretty hungry himself.

He caved in.

"Fine, but if the cops come, I'm ditching your drunk ass", Jimin laughed, knowing he wasn't sober enough either and the both of them would be screwed.

Jimin threw an arm around Jungkook's shoulders, pulling him down as they both drunkenly ran towards the shop. They're both too intoxicated to give a shit about the outcome, even though they probably would've done this sober as well.

But after this, Jimin should really get them both to his house. Staying out this late, drunk and defenseless isn't ideal. The two are reckless but they're not that reckless, well more so Jimin isn't, can't say the same for Jungkook.

chapter three - published: 05 - 14 - 2024

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