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I just got home from school and I look around the living room only to see my Mom, her friend and a girl whom i didn't take a glance at for two seconds.

Mom noticed me first so I decided to just walk upstairs to my room and don't mind them. Mom is sometimes weird so i better walk quickly.

"Son.. this is my friend and my friend's daughter, Lily. They will be staying at our home starting today."

I didn't glance at Mom and directly walked upstairs.

Ever since Mom made her friend and her friend's daughter stay at our home, my life is always getting disturbed by their loud noises. But I can't do anything about it 'cause Dad dotes Mom so much he will only get mad if i talk back to her.

I was already in my college years when that girl, daughter of Mom's friend, whom I don't remember the name, keeps following me everywhere I go.

One time i told Mom about it but she didn't take me seriously.

"Psh! Don't mind, Lily. She's just a girl, similar to your age and she wants to be friends with you."

I just rolled my eyes and ignored her for a week as the girl kept bugging me.

Jimmy blurted. "Dude, that girl is really persistent to follow you around."

I sneered, "I don't even recall what her name was but she's so annoying. It's getting on my nerves, actually."

"Maybe she has a crush on you," Jimmy whistled.


'Til our high school graduation is done, that girl still keeps following me around so i have no choice but to confront her.

"Don't follow me around." I snorted coldly. "Respect yourself."

After I said those, I turned around without looking back and walked straight ahead.

Good thing, it works. She didn't follow me around anymore and always avoided me.

".. You're really heartless. That girl had a crush on you since highschool, Dude." Jimmy scoffed.

"Whatever." I sneered.

As it's already summer and college is still far ahead, Dad wants me to study our business so I agreed and helped him.

Mom and her friend with its daughter are still staying at our house so I found an excuse to buy a place near the company so I can't see them. My parents agreed easily so my days went by happily.

Not until someone, opened my door when I was laying on my couch, panting heavily.

Me, Jimmy and our other friends just had a night out today and I didn't know how many I drank. I already called Butler Enrod to take care of me.

I thought Butler Enrod came already so I called him twice but there's no answer. Instead, a woman came near me and stripped herself in front of me.

My eyes widened and jumped myself out of the couch and got away from her in a few meters. I can already feel the heat but I have to endure it.

"Nilagyan ko ng aphrodisiac ang isang baso na iniinom mo kanina, Zion. You can't do anything about that. Walang gamot ang aphrodisiac, Zion. I want to pleasure you. I want your lust on me. In return, you'll be mine forever."

I can feel my veins bulging my forehead right now because of what i heard.

"What the hell woman!? I already told you to stop following me around and respect yourself!" I angrily roared.

I Became The Villain's WifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon