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Brooklyn Williams was in her luxurious New York apartment, surrounded by vinyl records and papers with half-written song lyrics. The phone rang insistently, and when she looked at the screen, she saw that it was her mother who was calling. With a sigh, Brooklyn picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hi Mum." Brooklyn said with a smile in her voice, trying to sound more enthusiastic than she really felt.

"Brooklyn, darling. How are you? Have you gone out today?" Her mother asked in a worried tone.

Brooklyn rolled her eyes in amusement. Her mother was always worried about her, especially since she had moved to New York. "Yes, mum, I'm fine. And no, I'm not out yet." Brooklyn responded, anticipating what would come next.

"Brooklyn Diane Williams! You can't spend all day locked in your apartment! You need to get out, breathe fresh air, live a little!" her mother scolded in an authoritative voice.

Brooklyn smiled at her mother's familiar scolding. It was comforting to know that, despite her success, her mother still cared about her as she always had.

"I know, mum. I'll get out, I promise. Maybe I'll go for a walk in Central Park later." Brooklyn responded, trying to calm her mother's concerns.

"I like it that way, darling! Take advantage of this beautiful day. And please remember to wear your hat and sunscreen." her mother warned.

Brooklyn chuckled. Her mother had always been like this, worrying about her even over the smallest things. "I will, mum. I love you." Brooklyn said affectionately.

"I love you too darling. Have fun and don't work too hard!" Her mother responded before saying goodbye to her.

After hanging up, Brooklyn thought about the conversation with her mother. Even though she could be a little annoying at times, she was grateful to have someone who cared so much about her.

After the conversation with her mother, Brooklyn decided to follow her advice and go for a walk. She dressed in comfortable and casual clothes, put on some sunglasses and got ready to enjoy the sunny day.

At first, Brooklyn thought it wouldn't be necessary to bring William, her personal bodyguard. After all, she was just going for a walk in the park, what could go wrong? However, just twenty minutes after leaving her apartment, she found herself surrounded by paparazzi.

Photographers quickly surrounded her, shouting her name and trying to capture the perfect image of her. Brooklyn was overwhelmed by the sudden attention and stopped, feeling trapped.

"Brooklyn, this way! A smile please!" one of the photographers shouted, while others fired their cameras without rest.

Brooklyn looked around her, looking for a way out. She felt trapped and vulnerable, regretting not listening to William and asking him to come with her.

She ran through the streets, desperately looking for a place to hide. That's when she saw a small vinyl and record store on a nearby corner. Without hesitation, she walked into the store and hid among the shelves of records.

Brooklyn's heart was pounding as she hid, praying that the paparazzi wouldn't find her. She stood there, breathing deeply and trying to calm her nerves, while she listened to the murmurs of the photographers outside.

Several minutes passed, which seemed like hours to Brooklyn, before the paparazzi finally moved away from her. With a sigh of relief, Brooklyn emerged from her hiding place and approached the store counter.

The shop owner, an older man with a long gray beard, looked at her curiously. "Can I help you with something, young lady?" he asked kindly.

"I just needed a place to hide for a moment. Thanks for not ratting me out." the singer offered him a grateful smile.

"No problem, dear. You are safe here." the man nodded understandingly.

Brooklyn, grateful to have found refuge in the record store, decided to explore the place a little. As she walked between the shelves, examining the vinyl records and admiring the album covers, she became so distracted that she did not see the person in front of her.

The crash was inevitable, and Brooklyn almost dropped the records she was carrying. She looked up to apologize and met the surprised eyes of a young woman.

That young woman was Alex Morgan, whom Brooklyn immediately recognized from having seen her in an ad on television when the United States won the Olympics last year. However, to Brooklyn's relief, Alex didn't seem to recognize her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Brooklyn was quick to apologize, picking up the records from the floor.

"Don't worry, it was my fault. I was so focused on looking for music that she didn't even see where I was going." the player smiled kindly.

"Yes, I was also very distracted. Records have that effect on me."

"We have good musical taste." Alex joked.

Brooklyn smiled, feeling comfortable in Alex's company. For a few minutes, they chatted animatedly about music, exchanging recommendations and sharing her favorite songs.

To Brooklyn's surprise, Alex didn't mention anything about her singing career, and she decided not to mention it either. For a moment, she was able to forget about the media attention and simply enjoy the company of a new and fascinating person.

After a while, they said goodbye with a smile and each one continued on their way. As Brooklyn left the store, she felt grateful for the chance encounter and for having met someone who saw her as simply Brooklyn, not the famous singer Brooklyn Williams.

After returning home, Brooklyn found a pleasant surprise on her phone: an Instagram notification. It was a message from Alex.

"Hello, Brooklyn! I wanted to apologize again for not recognizing you earlier at the record store. I just realized who you were. I would love the opportunity to make it up to you. Would you like to meet again?"

Brooklyn smiled as she read the message. She was glad to see that Alex had been kind enough to apologize, even though the mistake hadn't been hers. She was quick to respond:

"Hi Alex! Don't worry about that, really. I'm glad you decided to write to me. I would love to meet you again. How about we meet for coffee?"

After sending the message, Brooklyn was left anxiously awaiting Alex's response, wondering to herself if this chance encounter at the record store could be the start of something more.

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