𝐱. 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐢 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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October 1/2, 2016

Brooklyn and Alex continued with their daily lives, albeit now with funny memories of that peculiar incident. However, one small but significant difference became apparent: Brooklyn decided to give William a well-deserved break.

With a gesture of gratitude and trust, Brooklyn assured William that he could temporarily step down, promising that he would be called should his services be needed again. William, who had been a pillar of security for Brooklyn for so long, received the news with surprise and gratitude, thankful for the show of trust from the singer.

Although he was initially a little uneasy about leaving his role as a bodyguard, William eventually accepted Brooklyn's generous offer and took a well-deserved break to recharge and spend time with his family.

Meanwhile, Brooklyn and Alex enjoyed their time together, exploring new adventures and sharing intimate moments without the constant presence of a bodyguard. The trust Brooklyn had placed in Alex and her ability to care for each other further strengthened their bond, cementing their relationship as a couple who supported each other in all aspects of life.

As the days passed and life seemed to return to normal, William remained in contact with Brooklyn, ready to return at a moment's notice if his protection was needed again.


While Brooklyn stayed home to avoid drawing attention to herself, she dove into social media, looking for a distraction while Alex went out to walk Blue and buy supplies. However, what she found online was anything but comforting.

A wave of hate messages flooded her social media, filling her screen with cruel and disparaging comments. Anonymous critics attacked her music, her body, and even her relationship with Alex. Brooklyn's heart sank as she read the venom-filled words, wondering how there could be so much hate in a world she tried to fill with love with her art.

Despite her strong spirit, the negative comments began to take a toll on her, sowing doubt and fueling her insecurities. She wondered if she should stand up for herself, ignore the comments, or just shut down social media altogether. The pressure and constant media exposure weighed on her, and at that moment she felt overwhelmed by the darkness hiding behind the screen.

The hurtful words and mean-spirited comments hit her hard, making her question everything she had built with Alex and the price they were both paying for their love.

With her heart broken and tears threatening to fall, Brooklyn found herself unable to bear the pressure any longer. She decided she needed to get away, at least for a while, to protect Alex from the repercussions of being with her. Without a second thought, she began packing her bags, feeling like she no longer belonged in that place where so much criticism and judgment was leveled against her. Before leaving, she left a note for Alex. With her heart in pieces, she walked out the door of the apartment to her car, not knowing when or if she would return.

When Alex arrived home, she was surprised to find it unusually quiet. Accustomed to the comforting bustle of Brooklyn's music that filled every corner of her home, the absence of sound was overwhelming in comparison.

Intrigued, Alex made her way to the kitchen, where she noticed a note carefully placed on the table. Her heart pounding in her chest, Alex took the note and began to read the words written in Brooklyn's hand.


I'm so sorry, but I can't continue to be a burden on you. You deserve the best, and I can't bear the thought of you suffering because of me. I love you more than I can express, but I think it's best that I walk away. I know you'll be amazing at everything you do.

All my love,


Brooklyn gripped the steering wheel tightly as she drove through the streets of New York. Tears blurred her vision as she tried to process the whirlwind of emotions that washed over her. Those cruel and heartless comments had shaken her to the core.

"How can you be so selfish?"
"You're a distraction to Alex."
"You should just walk away and leave her alone."

The words still repeated themselves in her mind over and over again, feeding her insecurities and doubts. She felt like she was a burden to Alex, a shadow darkening her brilliance. She couldn't bear the thought of being the cause of the suffering of the person she loved most in the world. She felt unworthy of her love, unworthy of being happy.

Just as she was about to enter a tunnel, her phone rang once again, signaling Alex's fifth call. Every time she saw her name on the screen, a lump formed in her throat and a feeling of guilt washed over her. How could she face her after what she had done?

Brooklyn made an impulsive decision and pressed the button to answer, knowing that she needed to face the conversation she had been avoiding.

"Brooklyn! Where are you?" On the other end of the line, Brooklyn could hear Alex's worried and anxious voice.

"I'm... I'm on my way to... well, nowhere in particular."

"Please come back. It doesn't matter what happened, what people are saying, what matters is that we're together. We can face this together."

"Alex, things are... are so complicated right now. Everybody hates me. I don't want you to get hurt for being with me."

"I don't care what people say. I don't care what happens outside. All I care about is that we're together. You're my love, Brooklyn, and I need you here, by my side."

"Alex, I...."

"Please, Brooklyn. Come home. I need you. I love you." she said with a broken voice.

"I'm on my way."


Alex's warm, comforting hug was the first thing Brooklyn felt upon entering the apartment, and it was as if all the weight she had been carrying instantly dissipated. She let herself fall into Alex's arms, letting the tears she had been holding back finally flow freely.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm a mess, Alex." between sobs, Brooklyn apologized to Alex, feeling overwhelmed by the situation and for having made the decision to leave without talking to her first.

"You're my mess." the player said tenderly, stroking her hair gently. At that moment, Brooklyn felt a surge of love and gratitude towards the woman in front of her, who accepted her unconditionally even in her darkest moments.

A few hours later, with the comforting calm of the night enveloping the apartment, Brooklyn and Alex found themselves on the couch, curled up together in a comforting embrace. The soft glow of the lamp illuminated their faces, as they shared a moment of peace and quiet after the emotional storm they had faced.

In a barely audible whisper, Alex broke the silence, expressing the heartfelt wish that had been weighing on her heart. "I wish I could save you from all that hate." she murmured, her voice filled with longing and tenderness.

Brooklyn shivered slightly at Alex's words, feeling a mix of gratitude and sadness. She settled closer to Alex, finding comfort in the reassuring warmth of her embrace. "I know, babe." she replied softly, her fingers tenderly stroking Alex's hair. "But no one can save me, though there is something we can do together."

Alex tilted her head, eagerly waiting to hear what Brooklyn had in mind. "We can run away together. Go somewhere where no one really knows where we are. Where it can be just the two of us, away from all the noise and expectations." she said with a heartfelt smile.

The words rang through the air, laden with the promise of freedom and the chance to find peace together. Alex looked at Brooklyn with renewed love and admiration, nodding slowly as she took in the idea. She knew they couldn't completely escape reality, but the idea of creating an intimate, safe space for just the two of them resonated deeply in her heart.

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