𝐱𝐯𝐢. 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬

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☾︎ 𝕋ℝ𝕌𝕋ℍ𝕊 ☽︎

February 10/11, 2017

The family was gathered in the living room, enjoying the quiet after dinner. The conversation flowed easily, touching on trivial topics and reminiscing about past anecdotes. The atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful, a welcome respite after recent events.

Ethan leaned back in his favorite chair and turned his gaze to his daughter and Alex. "So, girls, have you started planning the wedding?"

The question took Zendaya by surprise, who immediately looked at Brooklyn's left hand in search of a ring. And there it was, a gorgeous, simple diamond ring, shining discreetly under the light of the room.

"Wedding?" Zendaya exclaimed, her expression reflecting a mix of surprise and joy. "Are you engaged?"

Brooklyn smiled, a soft blush covering her cheeks. "Yes, we got engaged a couple of months ago, but we haven't made an official announcement yet. We wanted to wait for the right time." Alex, at her side, gently squeezed Brooklyn's hand.

Cate, beaming, leaned forward in her chair. "Do you have any ideas yet about when you'd like to get married?"

Brooklyn and Alex looked at each other, sharing a knowing smile. "We don't have an exact date yet." Brooklyn said. "But we'd like it to be next spring, when we both have a little more free time."

Tom, excited, joined the conversation. "That's great! And where do you plan to do it? Here in Nashville, in Lyon, or somewhere else?"

Alex replied, with a sparkle of excitement in his eyes. "We're thinking about doing something intimate and special, maybe in a place that means something to us. We're still deciding on the details."

The conversation in the living room became even more lively, with everyone sharing ideas and suggestions about locations, themes, and details for the wedding. Zendaya, recovering from her initial surprise, smiled sincerely.

"I'm happy for you two." Zendaya said, her voice soft but genuine. "I wish you all the happiness in the world."

Brooklyn and Alex appreciated her words, feeling a relief to see that the mood remained positive and supportive.

Later that night, when the house was quiet and everyone had retreated to their rooms, Brooklyn and Alex found themselves alone in Brooklyn's room. The day had been long and full of emotions, but it had also brought a sense of closure and hope.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked, lying next to Brooklyn in bed, the soft light of the night lamp illuminating their faces.

Brooklyn nodded, turning to look at Alex. "Yeah, I'm okay. It was a day full of surprises, but I feel good about how things have turned out. The conversation with Zendaya and the support from my family."

Alex smiled, gently caressing Brooklyn's cheek. "It was a great day. And I'm so happy we're in this together."

Brooklyn closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying Alex's touch. "Me too, Alex. I can't imagine doing this without you."

The night progressed, and with it, Brooklyn and Alex found a moment of peace. The Williams house fell into a calm silence, as the night enveloped everything in its blanket of stars.


It was early in the Williams house, and the quiet of the morning was interrupted only by the soft gurgle of the coffee pot and the sound of Alex making herself breakfast after her morning run. The Williams matriarch's birthday celebration had been a lively affair, filled with laughter, music, and shared memories. Now, in the silence of the next morning, Alex enjoyed a moment of peace, regaining energy for the day ahead.

As she counted out some avocados for her toast, she heard soft footsteps approaching the kitchen. She looked up just as Zendeya entered, her relaxed posture instantly changing at the sight of Alex. The tension was palpable. The actress paused, her eyes searching for any indication of how to proceed. She knew her presence in the Williams household was a sensitive subject, especially considering the complicated history she had with Brooklyn.

"Good morning." Alex said in a neutral voice, breaking the silence. Although her tone was polite, there was an undertone of caution in her words.

"Good morning." Zendeya replied, trying to sound casual as she approached the counter. She had spent the night at the request of Tom, who had insisted she stay after the celebration. Although Brooklyn and Zendeya had spoken and agreed to take time to resolve their differences, Zendeya was unsure of what Alex's stance was regarding her presence in their lives.

The tension between them was not new. Alex knew of Brooklyn and Zendeya's past, and although she had decided to trust her partner, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the situation. I clearly remembered how Zendeya had sided with Kanye and Kim during one of the biggest controversies of the year had led to a rift in her friendship with Brooklyn.

"Did you sleep well?" Alex asked, trying to keep a cordial conversation going as she made coffee.

"Yes, thank you." Zendeya replied, forcing a smile. She poured herself a glass of water and stood, staring out the window. The silence settled in again, heavy and dense.

After a few moments, Zendeya gathered her courage and decided to address the issue head on. "I know this is awkward, Alex. I don't want to cause trouble. I'm here to try to fix things, but I understand if you're not okay with it."

Alex sighed, putting down the cup of coffee she was about to bring to her lips. "It's not easy for me, Zendeya. I trust Brooklyn, but I can't ignore everything that happened. She wants you in her life, and that means I have to find a way to accept it."

Zendeya nodded, understanding Alex's position. "I understand. And I want you to know that I am truly sorry for how things turned out. I was wrong and I am here to make amends, not cause more trouble."

Alex watched her for a moment, assessing the sincerity in her words. Finally, she nodded slowly. "Fine. I just want us all to be happy. If that means you and Brooklyn reconciling, then I am willing to try."

The tension in the kitchen dissipated slightly, giving way to a more relaxed atmosphere. They both knew that the road to reconciliation would not be easy, but this was an important first step.

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