Chapter 20

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Melanie went down to McGonagalls office. She knocked on the door quietly and waited to be let in.

"You wanted to see me Professor?" She said as she closed the door behind her.

"Yes Melanie dear, I just wanted to give you these." She said as she took out two letters from her drawer and a small parcel and handed it to her. Melanie looked down and instantly recognised Milos handwriting.

"Thank you Professor." She smiled at the witch. "I was wondering, if I could maybe have permission to go down and swim in the lake sometimes."

McGonagall looked up at her shocked."Miss Summers, the lake is frozen solid at this time of year."

"I know, I know but I could really benefit from a swim, and the temperature of the water doesn't bother me. Just like with the mer people living down there,you know?"

"Well, only the headmaster can give permission for these type of things."

Melanie nodded, and turned around making her way to the door. She stopped abruptly and faced McGonagall.

"Melanie is everything okay?" She asked. Her brows were slightly frowned and she looked very concerned.

"I just. I had a rough week with Professor Snape." She rolled up her sleeve slightly to show the bruise on her forearm. "One of my friends saw and I ended up telling him what I am." She said as she lowered her head. "I'm just really scared, that he will end up not wanting to have anything to do with me, and I just admitted to Harry, Ron and Hermione what I am.. I just need a place to go, to disappear for a few hours. The lake would be perfect as I could clear my head and swim."

"I will talk to Professor Dumbledore and I will get back to you." She said with a consoling smile. "Melanie, I'm sure that Mr Potter and the rest of your friends will be fine with it. You're a great girl."

"I hope. Thank you Professor." She said as she left the classroom.

Melanie sat down on a nearby bench in the corridor. She ripped open Milos letter.

'Dear Melanie,

Well it's about time. I thought you have forgotten about me! I'm glad to hear that you're settling in well, the school sounds fantastic. I knew you'd make a lot of friends, and this Cedric guy- you say he reminds you of me, is he more handsome than I am? That was a joke, as if anyone could beat my looks.

You were right I'm incredibly glad to hear that you resumed training. Although I'm sorry that you're suffering right now, it will pass, I'm sure you're getting stronger each day.

I've mostly been spending my days down in Hell, you know head guard duties. But I have been coming up to Sunnydale a couple of times, I think I miss you more than I care to admit princess. I understand completely about Christmas but I really wish I could see you. Who knows maybe I will.

I have sent over that book you wanted.(Along with a couple of your favourite sweets that I bet you're missing right now.)I can't help but wonder, since when do you share your books with other guys? It's not like you. My intuition tells me there's something more to this Fred guy.

I don't even need a response to know what you're going to say. "He's just a friend - blah blah. I'm not looking for anything because of Spike -" and okay maybe you're right to some degree. But considering how happy you seemed in your last letter I'm going to take a risk and say this, if this is something more between you and this Fred guy, or any one else for that matter, go for it or at least be open to the idea. Allow yourself to be happy. You know Spike would want that for you.

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