Chapter 22

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The next day Hermione was sitting on her bed reading the book Melanie had given her, it was 10am and she already had breakfast with the boys. She decided to let Melanie sleep as she knew that for the past couple of weeks she hadn't been sleeping well. She heard a light tapping sound coming from the window. She walked over and opened it, she was shocked at the sight of Dumbledores bird, which flew in without hesitation and positioned itself on a chair next to Melanie's bed.

"Hey Melanie." Hermione said quietly. "I think this is for you."

"Hm?" Melanie muttered in her sleep. She opened her eyes and instantly shot up at the sight of the bird. "Fawkes!" She exclaimed "is it time already?" She got up, picked up her clothes which she prepared the night before and rushed to the bathroom.

"Time for what?" Hermione asked as Melanie emerged from the bathroom.

She looked up at Hermione with a mischievous grin and said "Time for a swim." She hurried towards the door and yelled "Fawkes! You coming?" The bird flew up from the chair and followed Melanie out of the room.

Melanie ran down the steps of the common room, she saw Harry, Ron and the twins sitting by a table. She quickly said hello to them as Fawkes caught up to her and hovered around her. She went up to the portrait hole and let Fawkes go first as she slid out after him. Making her way down to the lake.

"What was that about?" Asked Ron as the portrait door closed.

"I don't know but I can't remember seeing her this happy in a long time." Shrugged Harry.

Fred and George exchanged looks.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Georgie?" Fred asked and the two of them rushed up to their room. Fred reached for the marauders map and opened it.

"I cant find her." Fred muttered.

"She was with Dumbledores bird, check his office."

"Nope. Not there."

"Give me it." George said as he started flicking through the map.

"Wait! Check the courtyard." Fred suggested.

The two looked for a little while until at last they found Melanie approaching Hagrids hut.

"What is she doing down there?" George asked.

"I don't know. But they're not staying there for long look!" They watched the footsteps moving further away to the edge of the parchment. Until Melanie's name was no longer visible. "Did you see that?" Fred asked in disbelief.

"She's gone." George added "Is the map broken?"

"No, look Hagrid is still there, but he's walking away now. But where is Melanie?" Fred said confused.

"No clue. Come on maybe Hermione knows something."

They put the map away and headed towards the girls dormitories. They knocked on the door and Hermione opened after a while.

"Hey Mione we were just wondering if you knew where Melanie went?"

"No clue, Fawkes flew in half an hour ago and she was very eager to leave. When I asked her where she was going she said she's going for a swim. Maybe she decided to sneak into the prefects bathroom or something." She shrugged.

The twins thanked her and went back to the common room. They sat down on the sofa thinking about where Melanie went. Soon George decided to play a match of chess with Ron and Fred was left on the sofa. He sat up as he realised were Melanie was, the map wasn't broken, it simply only showed the grounds of Hogwarts. Melanie was at the lake. He got up from the sofa and rushed into his room and grabbed a jacket. He raced back out and went down to the lake.

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now