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Because I recently watch The Amazing Spider-Man and the sequel

No, Luke Hemmings wasn't your average teenage boy with anxiety problems. He was an above average teenage boy with anxiety problems.

Going about school with his friend Gwen was always nice, especially since she loved to talk about her application to Oxford. But when she wasn't around, Luke tended to become that awkward boy with the camera in his hands.

Luke had no problem making friends. He had tons. Well. Four friends. Including his Aunt May.

Stepping up the stairs of his highschool, Luke pulled up the camera from where it dangled on it's cord to go around his neck. He took pictures of some girls talking about the new movie coming up with some hot celebrity. He took one of the skater kids that do tricks by the bike rack. Then he moved his attention to a boy.

Now, this wasn't just any boy. It was the boy Luke had been crushing on since he was in the third grade. He had beautiful hazel eyes, perfect caramel curls, and a to die for smile with dimples and everything.

Luke smiled to himself as he snapped the picture. He looked down at the little screen to admire the boy he had just captured into, yet another, photograph.

Looking up, he saw the boy looking at him. Luke looked behind himself, no one was there. He looked back to the boy, only to see him smiling a little more. Luke felt his cheeks turn a shade lighter. He waved before walking away, missing the small pout on the boys lips.

Later that day, during his free period, Luke went looking for his crush, wanting another perfect picture for his little collection he had.

He wasn't obsessed with the boy, he only admired him from afar with a lens and asked his friend Calum everything there is to know about him. Though Calum insisted that he introduced the two, Luke always declined, saying he'll get to it one day, but he always forgot to because he was too scared that he'll start stuttering and embarrass himself.

"Luke you really have to find a new hobby," Michael said to him as he walked next to the blonde. Luke just scoffed, giving Michael a look.

"Michael, you really have to find an actual hobby," Luke retorted, moving his gaze to the tables in the courtyard. Some students were sitting there with their friends. Other listening ot music or reaidng books quietly.

"I do! I got an internship at Oxford, and I didn't have to sneak in, unlike someone else," Michael responded, following his friend as he walked under the roof and out of the sun.

"I meant something to do so you don't bother me," Luke said to him, sitting at a table in the shade. Michael sat next to him, looking at his friend with a biwildered expression.

"Luke, annoying you is my hobby. And it's one I'm really good at and enjoy very much," Michael said in a serious tone. Though, when Luke looked at him, Michael smiled and Luke did as well.

"I know. And when you don't it feels like my heart is missing a piece," Luke played along, smiling at his idiotic best friend with dyed black hair.

"Now, how long are we going to sit here and stalk your crush? I mean, really Luke, you're friends with Gwen Stacey. Fricking Gwen Stacey! Do you not understand how much credit you're not giving yourself right now?" Michael exclaimed, getting the attention of some students nearby. 

"Keep your voice down," Luke muttered, turning on his camera and focusing it on the boy a few tables down with his nose stuck in a book.

"This guy is a geek," Michael said to himself mostly. "He is nothing but boring."

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