Drama Club Part 1

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"And what brings you all to drama club?" The teacher asked us. I looked up from my seated spot on the stage and gave him a good look.

He was tall wit blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. He seemed to be a big fan of tank-tops and going against school dress code, considering his shirt says, "Destroy yourself, see who gives a fūck."

He was rocking the skin-tight skinny jeans and vans. Overall, he was hot. Like, really hot.

"I've come to express how I honestly feel through myself," A boy piped up. I tore my eyes away from the teacher and looked at him. He seemed to be Asian looking, but spoke nothing like an Asian person would.

"I've come just to see how everyone's emotions come and fall into place," a boy with red as black hair spoke next.

"I needed something to do on a Friday afternoon," a girl said walking into view from behind the curtain.

"I've always been into acting," a boy with quite a lot of fringe said.

"Louis said it would be cool to join drama club, this year," a tall, lanky boy said as he looked to the one that had spoke previously.

"You could say sister instincts know better," a girl said as she stepped into view as well as another one. The two sitting next to who I now know is their triplet.

"Acting is almost as fun as singing," a purple haired girl announced as she and three other girls walked in from where everyone else previously did. What is with that curtain.

"I just wanted to act out how I felt rather than say it," I told the group honestly.

"Alright!" The teacher started, clapping his hands together getting our attention. "Since that is everyone I'm proud to call tho dr-,"

"Drama club cannot not start without me!" A boy declared running in from the two entry doors. He stopped and struck a pose, resembling superman, before running and revealing a long red cape tied around his neck. The auditorium bursts with laughter as he ninja jumped over and onto the stage, performing a tuck and roll before standing with his back turned to us.

"Welcome, why are you here?" The teacher asked him.

"I'm Luke Hemmings, baby, aren't I supposed to be here?" He asked turning around, smirking at the teacher. "What's up, big bro?"

(Who gets the reference?? Anyone)

"Sit down Luke," the teacher instructed.

"Whatever, Ben," I stuck his tongue out, and, surprisingly, the teacher did the same.

"Hello, everyone, my name is Ben Hemmings, and welcome to drama club!

For starters, I want you all to pick a partner and pretend you two are a couple in love.


I looked around and noticed every already had a partner. I sighed, knowing I might have to down the rest of drama club alone.

"Why the long face, cutie?" I looked up and saw Luke Hemmings standing tall and proud in front of me.

"Kinda alone here, mate," I told him, putting my shoulders back, resting my palms on the cool material of the stage.

"Not anymore, honey, I'm here," he gave me a dopey smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Well, babe," I started, going with the instructions. "What brings you here?"

"Can I not enjoy the time I am given to enjoy my beautiful boyfriend?" He asked, pulling me up to stand. "Man, I'm dating a really short person."

"Shut up, Lukey," I giggled, covering my mouth. The noise irritating me already.

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