It's The End

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“So, how have you been, Ashton?” Luke asked as he plopped down on the couch.

“I’m fine,” I answered, pushing my glasses back up my nose and continuing to read. In all honesty, I wasn’t doing the best. With school mid-terms and the bullying, it hasn’t been great at all.

“Did you happen to see Lindsay at school today?” He asked flicking on the television.

“No I didn’t,” I scoffed at him. He turned to look at me from the recliner he was on and I looked back at my book.

“Oh… Well, did anything interesting happen?” He asked. I shook my head still trying to read. Eventually he shut up and went back to watching his program. We stayed in the comfortable silence as the television was showing an ad for allergy medicine. I stood up and went to get a cup of water from the kitchen, only to be stopped by Luke.

“What do you want, Luke?” I asked him, slipping my bookmark into my book.

“Where’re you going?” He asked me. I just looked at him weirdly.

“I’m going to the kitchen. You know, the room where you are currently blocking off?” I said, sarcasm embedded in my voice.

“Oh, that would… make sense?” He stated, but it came out more of a question.

“Yeah,” I pushed my glasses up and pulled my sleeves to that they hung way past my hands. I walked into the kitchen and stepped on my tip-toes to reach a cup from the cupboard. I went to the fridge and pressed down on the buttons hearing them beep and giggling at how immature I am. I pressed the cup up to where the water comes out and left it there to fill. I stood and took it when I thought it was enough and went back to the living room.

“Hey, Ashy, I’m going out with Lindsay. She just texted and I might be gone quite late, so don’t wait up for him,” He said as he slipped on his vans.

“Whatever,” I muttered as I sat back on the couch continuing to read.


It was well past midnight and I still don’t know what is wrong with me. Luke is straight. I’m gay. There is no way in hell that we’d be together. I doubt he ever cared when he moved in, considering he never does anything for me anymore. When Lindsay came over once, she dropped my cajon and then told him that I pushed her making it seem like I did it. I told Luke to keep her out of my house and go to hers instead.

I began watching this nature documentary about foxes and consumed a comfortable position on the floor, even though the couch provided enough space. I heard the door unlock and then it shut, footsteps echoing through the front hallway.

“Ashton, what are you still doing up?” He asked me. I just shrugged and continued to watch the documentary.

“It’s interesting…” I mumbled as it turned to commercials.

“Ash, it’s almost 2 in the morning, why aren’t you in bed?” He asked me. I looked at him and just shrugged again.

“I don’t need sleep,” I told him, averting my eyes back to the television.

“What do you mean you don’t need sleep?” He asked, sitting on the couch behind me.

“I just don’t. I barely sleep anyways so I guess it’s not a big impact,” I said quietly. He yawned, and I knew that I was boring him to sleep already.

“Cal and Mikey are coming over tomorrow,” Luke told me as I sit up.

“You should go to sleep, that way you three can go fuck around some store again,” I said in a harsh tone.

“What is wrong with you, Ashton?” He asked me in a cold, brutal tone.

“Nothing is wrong. I just hate neglection. So you go off and run around absent-mindedly with your friends and leave me to wander around a giant ass mall by myself again!” I said much louder and more frustrated. He looked taken back but I didn’t care. I walked past him and up the stairs to my room, shutting the door and jumping into bed. I heard a groan come from downstairs and I just slumped further into my mattress.

The next morning, I hadn’t gotten any sleep. Knowing I hadn’t taken my sleeping pills, I was rather tired. I went downstairs to be greeted with loud noises. I rubbed my eyes as I proceeded to the kitchen to make some tea and toast.

“Good morning Ashton!” I heard Michael yell. I looked behind me to see he had skunk hair.

“Hey, skunky, how’ve you been?” I asked him. He smiled and I walked up to greet him with a hug, knowing that times like these won’t last long.

“I’ve been great, Calum and I are actually dating now. Oh my fucking god!” He made an odd squealing noise and I just chuckled.

“That’s great Mikey, I’m happy you found someone,” I mumbled as I took the hissing kettle off of the stove. I poured it into a mug and stuck a tea bag in, letting it sit as I put the bread into the toaster.

“You sound sad, what’s wrong Ashy?” He asked me. I looked up at him, considering that I was shorter. I played with the long sleeves of the sweater, knowing that I should probably tell someone.

“Okay, here goes everything…” I mumbled before inhaling a breath. “I’m gay and I really like Luke, but he is that that hoe-bag Lindsay and I can’t really do anything about it, because then Luke would get mad at me again and he already said and I quote ‘if you fuck up something like that again, Ashton, I will not be afraid to move out.’ Eventually Lindsay stopped coming by after she broke my Cajon and had Luke yell at me for it even though it was her fault. So now all I can do is sit down and-,”

“Ashton, stop, you’re crying,” Mikey said as he put his hands on my shoulders. I brought a hand up to my face, only for it to be covered in tears.

“What’s the real problem, Ashton?” He asked as I continued to wipe to on coming tears.

“I love Luke, but he’s with Lindsay. What’s so good about Lindsay? I can be a better partner than her. She has blonde hair and a smile, but, guess what? I have to force a damn smile because that bitch is cruel! Michael, she is the devil!” I clutched him by the t-shirt collar and continued to rant, letting him go. “She has everything. Boobs, and ass, that stupid annoying voice! And now she has Luke! Well guess what world! I can’t go and fuck around with this on my shoulders anymore. Life is stupid and unneeded, we’re all going to die anyways, so why not now?” I mumbled that last part, walking over to the knife drawer, breathing in the burning smell of the toast in the toaster.

“Michael is everything… Okay?” Calum asked as he and Luke came running in.

“Ashton! Put. The. Knife. Down,” Michael ordered.

“What’s it matter anymore, Michael. He probably doesn’t even care. He has Lindsay!” I brought the knife up to my arm, pulling the sleeve up to reveal even more scars. I pressed the cool metal against the skin there. “Perfect,” cut “Perfect,” cut “Lindsay,” cut. I watched as my friend’s looked at me with horror. I looked down and noticed the long gash that was now made, cutting deep into all my other cuts. I smiled when the blood came gushing out, creating a puddle right below me. My knees gave out and my eye sight went blurry with tears.

“Michael, the paramedics will be here as soon as possible,” I heard Luke mumble. I looked back up, the same twisted grin plastered on my face.

“You can all be happy now,” I hiccupped as I felt the room spin. I heard a loud crash and a broken sob. I finally closed my eyes when all went silent. Hopefully Satan isn’t as bad as everyone makes him seem.


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