5SOS Age-Play (Baby Calum)

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It's currently 12, almost 1, in the morning and my insomnia is horrible as of now. I'll explain in my rant book as to why, though.

ALRIGHT! *clasps hands together* DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!

*fantastic drum roll from my bf's dad*


I got this idea from reading a shit ton of age-play one shots from this one person whom I've forgotten the name of (IM SORRY) So, now I'm writing my own. Comment at the end if you want to prompt something but just know im working on 2 other ones on my laptop.

Enjoy the story and read the a/n at the end! Thank you!

Basically fluff

Calum: Headspace - 2 years

Ashton: Dada

Luke: Daddy

Michael: Papa


The sound of crying cause Michael to be the first to roll out of bed. Not only was the baby monitor loud, Calum was even louder.

"Babe," Michael whines out to Ashton who was sprawled out on the king sized bed. "Wake up!"

"Mikey, 'm very tired. Cal kept me up all night," he argued, muffling his voice as he pushed his face into the pillow. Michael groaned and walked out of the room. Calum's sobbing got louder as he progresses closer to the end of the hallway.

"PAPA!" The younger boy wailed as Michael open the door to reveal Calum with puffy eyes and red cheeks, keeping himself up with his arms hung over the cribs cage.

"Baby, what's the matter?" He asked the poor boy, scooping him up and holding him with his hip and arms. The younger sniffles and buried his head into the crook of his papa's neck.

"Is he okay?" Luke asks, his voice a little octaves deeper after just waking up, wrapping his arms around both Calum and Michael.

"I think he just needs a nappy change 's all," Michael suggested, receiving a chaste kiss on the cheek from his taller boyfriend.

"Alright, I'll wake up Ash and we'll get breakfast started," Luke pulled Michael's face to give him a proper kiss on the lips, causing Michael to pull away.

"Yuck! I can taste your morning breath," he complained, pulling away and setting Calum onto the changing table.

"Whatever, you enjoy my kisses," Luke protested walking out of the blue painted nursery.

Michael changed Calum's wet nappy into a dry one, getting a giggle out of his baby when he blew raspberries onto the boy's stomach.

"Do you want breakfast?" Michael asked the boy. He nodded and made grabby hands for Michael to pick him up.

"Yes!" The boy squealed as Michael picked him up and spun him around.

"First, let's go see if Dada Ashton is awake," Michael suggested, walking out of the room and back down the hall opening their bedroom door. He was met by a sleeping Ashton and a freshly clean looking Luke.

"Go wake up dada," Luke encouraged, to the boy that was just set down on the huge bed, from the bathroom door frame.

"Dada! Dada! Dada!" The kiwi boy shrilled bouncing onto Ashton's stomach.

"Good morning baby," Ashton greeted tiredly. Calum giggled and blew small raspberries on Ashton's cheek, causing the eldest of his other daddies to laugh. Ashton held Calum's hips and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

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