The Fault In Our Stars

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I'd like to make a dedication (once I edit this on my computer) to @larry_lover_4ever for sending this in. It's almost 12 in the morning and this is all her work and I just... freaking made me smile and I love this to bits!

None of this is mine, all credits go to her and all the sugar I ate to write this at such a time! Anyways go follow her, she's amazeballs and enjoy!!! I also listened to To Live and Let ago by ATL while going over this and I pretty much enjoyed it so yeah I'll let you read now!

Ashton Irwin was hopelessly in love with someone he has no chance with, Luke Hemmings. Ashton was Luke's shoulder to cry on when he was having problems with his long time girlfriend Melody Quinn. One night, Ashton answers his door at three a.m. to find himself face-to-face with a heartbroken, heartbroken, and now single, Luke.

Ashton was torn as he confronted his crying lover; one part of him was ecstatic that he now had a chance with Luke, but there was another side that was heartbroken jus by seeing Luke in so much mental pain.

Next morning, after Ashton awoke, he found himself in an empty flat with no traces of Luke anywhere.

Luke had began to become a tad harsh and moody towards poor little Ashton. Ashton came over to visit one night and when the door swung open, he found himself face to face with a drunken Luke. Luke began to tell heartless, cruel things at the tall boy.
"You asshole!" Luke screamed, "You fucked up my life! I hate you! I never likes you, Mel thought I loved you more than here, that's why she left. Leave me the hell alone Ashton Irwin!"

So, Ashton did as told. Ashton left Luke and went home to cry.

Luke never called to apologize, and Ashton never called to sort it out.

One afternoon, about three weeks after the fight, Ashton hears a knock on his door. He answers the door to find a frantic looking Michael Clifford. "Ash," he whispered. "It's Luke."

Without a moment of hesitation, Ashton threw on a pair of shoes and followed Michael to his car. When Michael stopped at the park, Ashton flies out of the car, almost before it'd even stopped. Sitting on a bench, was non other than Luke Hemmings holding a picnic basket. Ashton stopped running, confused. He'd though Luke was hurt? That's what Michael said, wasn't it?

"Luke what are you doing here?" Ashton asked in a small voice.
"I need to apologize. I was wrong, Ash, I was drunk but that's no excuse. Every awful thing I said that night was a lie. I love you, Ash," Luke said in a heartfelt manor.

"I - I love you too, Luke, what's going on?"

"I am in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simplest pleasure if saying true things. I'm in love with you, and know love is just a shout in the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we are all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have and I'm in love with you, Ashton Fletcher Irwin."

Ashton was speechless, after a deep breath, he asked, "Did you just quote The-,"

"Fault in Our Stars? Yes, I did because I don't have words to describe how much I love you. But, I believe Mr. Augustus Waters hopefully did, alright?"

"I love you, Luke, I always have and I know I always will," Ashton reassured.

"Well," Luke began, "Since we're both not in the business of denying ourselves the simplest pleasure of saying true things, Ashton Fletcher Irwin will you be mine?" Luke asked with a hopeful smile.

"Okay," Ashton said with a smile.

"Okay," Luke replied before leaning in to kiss Ashton.

Her last words when she wrote this was: "WHAT WAS THAT THAT WAS BAD IM SORRY JOHN GREEN PLEASE DONT HURT ME!"

This girl is utter peer like omfg she made my night way better! Enjoy this until I update again (MAYBE TOMORROW) Thanks for reading MY LOVELY DARLINGS!!!

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