500 Years of Winter Part 1 (Malum)

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Basically, I'm taking this idea from a book a read a LONG time ago....

From what I read (it was a Lashton) Ashton was a famous YouTuber who had a big crush on, lead singer of 500 Years of Winter, Luke Hemmings. Luke had known, and loves, Ashton's work since the beginning and the feelings are mutual between the two.

SO! That's where this idea came from. In all honesty I forgot what and who wrote the book and what it was called, I'm sorry but this, I give credit to whoever made that story!


•Calum's PoV•

"So! That was my Q&A! I hope you all enjoyed and my boy Tyler Oakley and I will be doing a reaction video that anyone comments! Whoever gets the most likes, or replies, is what we'll react on. I love you my monkeys!" I quickly waved to the camera before shutting it off and smiling to myself.

"Calum! I have something you are going to die for!" Tyler called to me in a sing-song voice. He appeared in my door frame with a box.

"What's that? I didn't order anything," I said to him. He let out a laugh and set the box down on m bed, sitting behind it.

"Well, come one, don't be shy!" He encouraged as I hesitantly grabbed scissors from my desk and walked over to the bed.

"I swear to god if this is another box of sex toys I'm going to beat you with lobsters," I threatened, slowly cutting open the tape.

"I promise you it's not! You will actually be thanking me and Troye For this," he said with a happy smile on his face.

I continued to open the box and lifted the two flaps to reveal a '500 Years of Winter' t-shirt. I smiled and removed it carefully to the side. There was an envelope and then a few DVDs left. I pulled the stack and set them down and took the envelope. Looking over at Tyler he was doing his happy dance on the bed.

"Open it, open it, open it!" He chanted smiling all giddy.

"Okay, okay, okay," I ripped open the top and put my hand into the rather large orange envelope, I pulled out the first thing in it and it was a bunch of rubber bracelets. I read them all over '500 Years of Winter' they all said. I set them with the t-shirt and pulled out the next thing.

"3 concert tickets to go so 500 Years of Winter tomorrow, cool," I set them down to go pull out the next item unt realization struck. "Oh my effing baby Jesus! TYLER OAKLEY YOU BETTER NOT BE LYING TO ME!" He pulled out his camera from where it was visibly noticeable on my desk.

"Hello everybody! You just witnessed Calum Hood getting his late Christmas present! He, Troye, and I are all going to see 500 Years of Winter tomorrow night!" Tyler exclaimed answering my question that, in fact, we are going to see them live.

"Oh my god! Tyler you are trying to kill me, I swear!" I exclaimed finally sitting on the bed to look at the tickets.

"Oh and," he pulled out 3 more things from his back pocket. "These are our backstage passes!" He exclaimed. "So this was I guess our video for today, I love you all and go check out Lush's channel, very amazing guys! Bye!" He signed off and I pulled him into a back breaking hug.

"I swear, you are the greatest person in the world!" I yelled, keeping him in my arms.

"Yeah, well, he's my greatest person," Troye argued chuckling and walking into my room.

"So, pack a bag we're going to be leaving very early tomorrow to get to our seats first," Tyler said, letting me go and standing up, giving Troye a kiss on the cheek. (A/N: TROYLER IS LIFE)

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