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Harry and Lauren are older than Ashton okay? okay

We were the perfect family. Or so they all thought.

It was hard...

Smiling. Laughing. Pretending to be someone I'm not.

That was until one day I met a boy.

Luke Hemmings. Blonde hair, blue eyes, very tall, and he always seemed... happy.

I was never raised up happy, but I genuinely smiled when he and I met.


Ashton seemed pretty sad around school. But when I talked to him, he seemed to change.

His usually dull hazel eyes lit up, and his dimples popped when he smiled at me.

I never did know what made him look so sad... but then I found out.

I went over to Ashton's house, one day, and he said that we had to keep quiet because his mom was sleeping, so I followed him up to his room.

We passed by a door, and the door had some smoke and a horrible smell coming from it.

We passed another door, but it was just a bathroom. Coming out of the bathroom appeared to be a girl. She had bags under her eyes, yet she still seemed happy. The tears made it obvious she wasnt.

Going into Ashton's room was fine. But then it got late and he started freaking out, telling me to find a secret way to leave.

It was too late ,he said.

We heard a car door shut and he hurried downstairs, leading me into the surprisingly clean laundry room, shutting the door. The wooden frame mimicked one of a closet and had long slits going across, giving me access to look out.

Watching, I saw Ashton frantically scurry over to his mom and pulled thing from her. Bottles. Bottles. Empty bottles. He set them under the sink and grabbed a pair of reading glasses and a book, putting them both on the coffee table.

Someone walked through the door.

He was tall, buff, and looked frightening.

He approached Ashton and called for his siblings. The two ran downstairs walking in front of the closed laundry room door.

Lauren. She was popular. She never looked bad, but when I saw her, she looked miserable. Now, she was displaying a smile with no bags, her hair done nicely, and her shabby clothes were a glitzy dress and shining shoes.

Harry. Another popular boy. He never looked to be a person to take drugs. Yet, he was on cannabis. For someone who must look like Lauren, he cleaned up nice and well, too.

Ashton. He was not so popular. He was still in a t-shirt, skinny jeans, and beaten vans. He looked regular and not upper class like his brother, sister, and father.

Their mother woke, but she looked just like Lauren. Besides a strand of hair that was slightly off and in her face. She fixed it and looked picture perfect.

Ashton was told to get dressed and he did, stomping back downstairs in a nice suit and tie, hair slicked back with a fedora. Grabbing a camera, the family sat in the living room smiling, the camera flashing several times over and over.

It stopped. It all stopped.

Ashton was yelled at and slapped, being left on the ground.

Lauren sobbed as she ran up stairs, pulling off the now what I know is a big wig, exposing the hair net and many clips keeping her real hair hidden.

Harry pulled out a box and lit a cigarette whilst walked past the room.

His dad called someone and told them to be prepared for a fun night.

Ashton's mom walked into the kitchen, grabbing bottles of beer. and walking back into the living room.

Once it was quiet. I left.


He left and didn't come back.

After two month... my dad left...

After 4 Harry died..

Lauren commit suicide.

And my mom is moving us back to Perth Australian next month.

Luke and still saw each other. When I was take to the nurses' health office.

Giving his teacher books.

In the halls.

But, after that one day, we never talked, and he still doesn't know that we never will again.

On August 18, 2014, Ashton Irwin took his own life in the weirdest predicament. A beer bottle shoved into his throat, with a wig, a pack of Melbourne cigarettes, and a leather belt laid beside him. All while his mother was sleeping.

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