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Warning(s): Sad, pretty sad, I don't know why I'm making these so upsetting. But the song will be on the side and whatever I just fjdklasfjklf;as I'm just really -- Trigger warning, drug use, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, suicide, don't read if you would kill me after this •__•


3 r d   P e r s o n   V i e w

The music was silently playing in the background, but he wasn't paying attention to anything but his reflection. He stood there, hands gripping the white marble counter, knuckles turning white with the pressure. The tears are streaming down his face, burning the seeping cuts on his cheeks. The salty tears and blood dripping down his neck, soaking his grey shirt.

Today, Ashton had walked into his home to see his best friend, Calum, kissing his boyfriend, Luke, in the middle of their bedroom. Of course, he hadn't said anything but quietly shut the door again and walk downstairs. He had written a note for him. It stating:


If you loved me, you wouldn't kiss my best friend.

If you loved me, you wouldn't kiss my friend.

If you loved me, you wouldn't kiss anyone but me.

Don't bother looking for me, I won't be anywhere.


The curly brunette let the silent tears fall as he had driven back to his mother's house, Ignoring that fact that she - and his siblings - were all asleep. Making his way into the bathroom is what caused the blood and tears to spill even more.

So, there he was, waiting for something to happen, anything. But, he figured nothing would so he went on his own little scavenger hunt. Roaming and rummaging through the house and cabinents, he finally found three bottles of pain killers. He frowned when only one of them was closed and the two others were epmty. Opening the bottle, he only saw two pills and stood up from the tile floor of his mother's bathroom.

"Ashton, what're you doing?" His mother asked. He jumped slightly hitting his cheek against the wooden cabinent door. Wincing in pain, he covered his cheek with his hand.

"Just looking for my sleeping pills," He told her hoarsly before getting up and walking out of the compact room into his own bathroom.

Shutting and locking the door, he heard banging come from downstairs. He ignored it and opened the cabinent with the mirror on it. Smiling once he found 2 sealed bottled of sleeping pills. Popping the first one open, he grabbed the razor and sat on the floor but the tub and toilet. Geting some water in a nearby cup, he gulped down two at a time, having a struggle with the 10th and 11th ones.

But, with every pill he swallowed, he opened up the skin on his wrist. He frowned looking down, noticing how all of the cuts made the 'L' shape in his skin.

However, when he swallowed the 28th and 29th pill, his vision blurred and he dragged the blade across his wrist, hitting the vein and letting out a strangled scream.

"Ashton!" That voice sounded so familiar, but he didn't know who was calling his name. The doorhand jiggled, but, since it's locked, it didn't open.

"Please, babe! Open up the door! Open the door for me, please!" The door had swung open up once the small looking boy's blood turned cold and his heart stopped beating.

On September 11th, 2014, Ashton Fletcher Irwin had taken his own life when fighting depression.

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